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verb with object
〈人・傷など〉を治す(up, over); ⦅かたく⦆ 【病気などから】〈人〉を回復させる «of» (!主に傷・やけどなどを自然に治す場合に用いる; → cure)
e.g. his concern is to heal sick people.
no object become sound or healthy again:
〈傷などが〉治る(up, over)
e.g. he would have to wait until his knee had healed.
e.g. time can heal the pain of grief.
〈論争など〉を解決する, 落ち着かせる
e.g. the rift between them was never really healed.

healable adjective

Old English hǣlan (in the sense ‘restore to sound health’), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch heelen and German heilen, also to whole.