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〈土地が〉肥沃な, 肥えた(productive)(↔ barren, sterile, infertile)
e.g. fields along the fertile flood plains of the river
e.g. figurative : Germany in the 1920s and 30s was fertile ground for such ideas.
(of a seed or egg) capable of becoming a new individual.
〘生物〙 受精した
〈人間・動植物が〉多産(系)の, 繁殖力の強い, よく実を結ぶ; 生殖能力のある, 妊娠可能な.
e.g. Barbara carefully calculated the period when she was most fertile.
(of a person's mind or imagination) producing many new and inventive ideas with ease.
〖名詞の前で〗新しいものを生み出す, 温床となる〈環境・状況など〉
e.g. a series of fertile debates within the social sciences.
Physics (of nuclear material) able to become fissile by the capture] of neutrons.
〘物理〙 核分裂物質に変換できる, 親の

late Middle English: via French from Latin fertilis, from ferre ‘to bear’.