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an event or a group of events occurring as part of a larger sequence; an incident or period considered in isolation:
(特別な意味をもつ)出来事, エピソード, 挿話.
e.g. the latest episode in the feud.
a finite period in which someone is affected by a specified illness:
〘医〙 (再発性の病気の)発病, 発作
e.g. acute psychotic episodes.
Music a passage containing distinct material or introducing a new subject.
〘楽〙 挿句, 間奏; (劇・小説中などの)挿話
a section between two choric songs in Greek tragedy.

late 17th century (denoting a section between songs in Greek tragedy): from Greek epeisodion, neuter of epeisodioscoming in besides’, from epiin addition’ + eisodosentry’ (from eisinto’ + hodosway’).