generated at

〈人・物などが〉(最も)有力な, 支配的な, 優勢な, 目立つ; 主要な; 〈性格などが〉支配的な, 横柄な
e.g. they are now in an even more dominant position in the market.
〈山・建物などが〉そびえ立つ, 群を抜いて高い.
Genetics relating to or denoting heritable characteristics which are controlled by genes that are expressed in offspring even when inherited from only one parent. Often contrasted with recessive.
〖通例名詞の前で〗〘生物〙 優性の〈遺伝形質・遺伝子など〉(↔ recessive)
〘生態〙 優占(種)の
in decision theory, (of a choice) at least as good as the alternatives in all circumstances, and better in some:
e.g. holding back is here a dominant strategy.

〘遺伝〙 優性(形質)
〘生態〙 優占種
2. Music the fifth note of the diatonic scale of any key, or the key based on this, considered in relation to the key of the tonic.
〖単数形で〗〘楽〙 (音階の)属音

dominantly adverb

late Middle English: via Old French from Latin dominant-ruling, governing’, from the verb dominari (see dominate).