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point 水泳の泳法・種目
backstroke: 背泳
breaststroke: 平泳ぎ
butterfly: バタフライ
crawl: クロール
freestyle: 自由形
sidestroke: 横泳ぎ
relay: リレー
medley (medley relay): メドレーリレー
high dive: 高飛び込み
synchronized swimming: シンクロ(ナイズドスイミング)

1. no object (of a person) move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground:
〈人・虫などが〉はう; 〖~+副詞〗 腹ばい[四つんばい]で進む (!〖副詞〗はalong, across, intoなど方向・移動地点の表現)
e.g. they crawled out from under the table.
(of an insect or small animal) move slowly along a surface:
e.g. the tiny spider was crawling up Nicky's arm.
(of a vehicle) move at an unusually slow pace:
〈車などが〉のろのろ進む(along, by)
e.g. the traffic was crawling along.
swim using the crawl.
technical (of paint or other liquid) move after application to form an uneven layer over the surface below:
〈塗装が〉めくれる, 縮む.
e.g. glazes can crawl away from a crack in the piece.
2. no object informal behave obsequiously or ingratiatingly in the hope of gaining someone's favor:
⦅くだけて・非難して⦆ 〈人が〉 【目上の人などに】ぺこぺこする, 機嫌を取る «to»
e.g. don't come crawling back to me later when you realize your mistake.
3. (be crawling with) be covered or crowded with insects or people, to an extent that is disgusting or objectionable:
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖be crawling with A〗 〈場所が〉A〈人・車・虫など〉で完全に覆われている, いっぱいである (!通例不快なさまを表す)
e.g. the place was crawling with soldiers.
4. with object Computing (of a program) systematically visit (a number of web pages) in order to create an index of data:
〘コンピュ〙 〈プログラムが〉(インターネットを)検索する
e.g. its automated software robots crawl websites, grabbing copies of pages to index.

noun in singular
1. an act of moving on one's hands and knees or dragging one's body along the ground:
e.g. they began the crawl back to their own lines.
a slow rate of movement, typically that of a vehicle:
〖a ~〗 徐行, のろのろ進むこと
e.g. he reduced his speed to a crawl.
2. a swimming stroke involving alternate overarm movements and rapid kicks of the legs.
〖しばしばthe ~〗 (水泳の)クロール
3. a strip or band running across the bottom of a computer or television screen, within which news headlines, public service announcements, and advertisements are continuously scrolled.

see skin.

crawlingly adverb
crawly |ˈkrôlē| adjective

Middle English: of unknown origin; possibly related to Swedish kravla and Danish kravle.