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[*** \mathrm{converse}^1]
con-(with) + verse(turn)

verb | kənˈvərs | no object
engage in conversation: 会話に参加する
⦅かたく⦆ 【人と】(形式ばらないで)話をする, 会話をする «with»
e.g. he fell in beside her and they began to converse amicably.: 彼は彼女のそばに倒れ込んで彼は友好的に会話を始めた。

noun | ˈkänˌvərs | archaic
conversation: 会話

converser | kənˈvərsər | noun

late Middle English (in the sense ‘live among, be familiar with’): from Old French converser, from Latin conversarikeep company (with’), from con-with’ + versare, frequentative of vertere ‘to turn’. The current sense of the verb dates from the early 17th century.

[*** \mathrm{converse}^2]
con-(with) + verse(turn)

a situation, object, or statement that is the reverse of another or corresponds to it but with certain terms transposed: 別のものと反対もしくは対応するがいくらか置き換える状況、物体、陳述
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖the ~〗 (事実・語・意見などの)正反対/逆(のもの); 逆の言い方.
e.g. if spirituality is properly political, the converse is also true: politics is properly spiritual.: もしスピリチュアリティが厳密には政治的だというなら、その逆もまた真だ。政治は厳密にスピリチュアルだ。
Mathematics a theorem whose hypothesis and conclusion are the conclusion and hypothesis of another.: 前提と結論が他方で結論と前提となる定理
逆。p \Rightarrow qの逆はq \Rightarrow p
ちなみに裏(inverse) : p \Rightarrow qの裏は\lnot p \Rightarrow \lnot q

adjective | ˈkänˌvərs, kənˈvərs |
having characteristics which are the reverse of something else already mentioned: すでに言及された別のものと反対の特徴を持つ
e.g. the slow process of growth and the converse process of decay.:ゆるやかな成長のプロセスとその逆の腐敗のプロセス

late Middle English: from Latin conversusturned about’, past participle of convertere (see convert).