HIDE may or may not suggest intent.
e.g. hide in the closet a house hidden in the woods
e.g. concealed the weapon
SCREEN implies an interposing of something that prevents discovery.
e.g. a house screened by trees
SECRETE suggests a depositing in a place unknown to others.
e.g. secreted the amulet inside his shirt
BURY implies covering up so as to hide completely.
e.g. buried the treasure
verb with object
〖conceal A(+副詞)〗 〈人が〉A〈物・場所・人〉を(…に)隠す, 隠し持つ; 〈物が〉〈物・人など〉を覆い隠す (!〖副詞〗は場所の表現)
e.g. a line of sand dunes concealed the distant sea.
〈人が〉 «…に対して» 〈事実・感情など〉を秘密にする «from» ; «…か» を隠す «wh節» (↔
e.g. love that they had to conceal from others.