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come out


1. (of a fact) emerge; become known:
〈(隠されていた)真実などが〉明らかにされる; 〈結果・数値などが〉発表される, 公になる
e.g. it came out that the accused had illegally registered to vote.
e.g. something good can come out of something that went wrong.
(of a photograph) be produced satisfactorily or in a specified way:
〈写真が〉うまく写る; 〖wellなどを伴って〗写りが…である
e.g. I hope my photographs come out all right.
(of the result of a calculation or measurement) emerge at a specified figure:
come out at〈請求書などが〉(合計で)A〈ある金額〉になる
e.g. rough cider usually comes out at about eight percent alcohol.
2. (of a book or other work) appear; be released or published:
〈本・CDなどが〉出る, 発売される; 〈映画が〉公開される, 封切りになる
e.g. lots of interesting books are coming out.
3. declare oneself as being for or against something:
«…を支持すると/…に反対すると» 公に表明する «for, in favor of, in support of/against»
e.g. residents have come out against the proposals.
4. achieve a specified placing in an examination or contest:
e.g. he deservedly came out the winner on points
e.g. she came out victorious.
acquit oneself in a specified way:
e.g. surprisingly, it's Penn who comes out best.
5. (of a stain) be removed or able to be removed.
(洗濯後に)〈汚れ・色が〉 «…から» 落ちる, 〈模様が〉 «…から» 薄くなる «of»
〈人が〉 【人に】同性愛者[ゲイ]であることを表明する «to»
from the phrase come out of the closet (see closet (sense 2 of the noun)).
7. British dated (of a young upper-class woman) make one's debut in society.
⦅やや古⦆ 〈上流階級の若い女性が〉(通例ダンスパーティで)社交界にデビューする