generated at

point ATTRACT, ALLURE, CHARM, CAPTIVATE, FASCINATE, ENCHANT mean to draw another by exerting a powerful influence.
ATTRACT applies to any degree or kind of ability to exert influence over another.
e.g. students attracted by the school's locale
ALLURE implies an enticing by what is fair, pleasing, or seductive.
e.g. an alluring smile
CHARM implies the power of casting a spell over the person or thing affected and so compelling a response, but it may, like CAPTIVATE, suggest no more than evoking delight or admiration.
e.g. charmed by their hospitality
e.g. her performances captivated audiences
FASCINATE suggests a magical influence and tends to stress the ineffectiveness of attempts to resist.
e.g. a story that continues to fascinate children
ENCHANT is perhaps the strongest of these terms in stressing the appeal of the agent and the degree of delight evoked in the subject.
e.g. hopelessly enchanted by her beauty

1. the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration:
魅力; 人を引きつける力[性格]
e.g. his charm has captivated the media.
〖通例~s〗 (主に女性の)器量の良さ; 魅力ある点
e.g. the hidden charms of the city.
e.g. the trinkets were charms from his wife's bracelet.
3. an object, act, or saying believed to have magic power:
«…に対する» まじない(行為), 呪文(spell)
e.g. the dreamcatcher is a charm used to prevent bad dreams.
お守り, 護符, 魔よけ «against»
e.g. a good luck charm.
4. Physics one of six flavors of quark.

verb with object
〈人・物・事などが〉 «…で» 〈人〉を魅了する, うっとりさせる; 喜ばせる «by, with»
e.g. the books have charmed children the world over.
〖~ A into doing〗 〈人が〉魔力を使って[魅力を利用して]A〈人〉に…させる
e.g. you're not going to charm me into changing my mind.
2. control or achieve by or as if by magic:
A〈人〉をとりこにする, 操る
e.g. pretending to charm a cobra
e.g. with adverbial : she will charm your warts away.

use one's ability to charm in order to influence someone:
e.g. before I could turn on the charm, they hung up.

be completely successful or effective:
e.g. the new sales approach worked like a charm.

Middle English (in the senses ‘incantation or magic spell’ and ‘to use spells’): from Old French charme (noun), charmer (verb), from Latin carmensong, verse, incantation ’.