BARE implies the removal of what is additional, superfluous, ornamental, or dispensable.
e.g. an apartment with bare walls
NAKED suggests absence of protective or ornamental covering but may imply a state of nature, of destitution, or of defenselessness.
e.g. poor half-naked children
NUDE applies especially to the unclothed human figure.
e.g. a nude model posing for art students
e.g. a bald mountain peak
BARREN often suggests aridity or impoverishment or sterility.
e.g. barren plains
〈人・頭が〉髪のない[うすい], はげた (!やや直接的; 遠回しに表現する際には
e.g. he was starting to go bald
e.g. he had a shiny bald head.
e.g. hedgehogs are born bald.
e.g. the bald trunks with their empty branches.
⦅話⦆ 〈タイヤが〉すり減った, つるつるの
e.g. my car had two bald tires.
比較なし 〖名詞の前で〗露骨な〈言葉(遣い)など〉; ありのままの〈現実・事実など〉
e.g. the bald statement in the preceding paragraph requires amplification.