generated at

point 嫌悪感
dislike: 好きでないこと
hatred: 憎悪
>Hate and hatred, when used as nouns, have the same meaning. The difference between them is that hate is also used as modifier (e.g. a hate campaign), while hatred is not used as modifier (as it would be in a hatred campaign).
名詞として使われるときのhateとhatredは同じ意味です。それらの違いはhateは修飾語句としても使える(e.g. a hate campaign)のに対して、hatredは修飾語句(a hatred campaignのような)としては使われません。
disgust: ムカムカするほどの嫌気
antipathy: ⦅やや書⦆本能的で根深い嫌悪

noun (plural antipathies)
a deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion: 嫌悪の根深い感情; 嫌悪
⦅かたく⦆ «…に対する/…の間の» (根深い)反感, (生理的)嫌悪(感), 毛嫌い «to, toward, for/between» .
e.g. his fundamental antipathy to capitalism: 彼の資本主義への根本的な嫌悪
e.g. a thinly disguised mutual antipathy.: 軽い隠された相互の嫌悪感

late 16th century (in the sense ‘opposition of feeling, nature, or disposition’): from French antipathie, or via Latin from Greek antipatheia, from antipathēsopposed in feeling’, from antiagainst’ + pathosfeeling’.