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point 類義 satisfycontent
satisfy: 人の欲望・必要・期待などを満たすに足るものを与えて積極的に満足させる
content: satisfyよりかたい語で, 欠乏・不足を補って満足できる程度のものを与える

point PAY, COMPENSATE, REMUNERATE, SATISFY, REIMBURSE, INDEMNIFY, REPAY, RECOMPENSE mean to give money or its equivalent in return for something.
PAY implies the discharge of an obligation incurred.
e.g. paid their bills
COMPENSATE implies a making up for services rendered.
e.g. an attorney well compensated for her services
REMUNERATE clearly suggests paying for services rendered and may extend to payment that is generous or not contracted for.
e.g. promised to remunerate the searchers handsomely
SATISFY implies paying a person what is required by law.
e.g. all creditors will be satisfied in full
REIMBURSE implies a return of money that has been spent for another's benefit.
e.g. reimbursed employees for expenses
INDEMNIFY implies making good a loss suffered through accident, disaster, warfare.
e.g. indemnified the families of the dead miners
REPAY stresses paying back an equivalent in kind or amount.
e.g. repay a favor with a favor
RECOMPENSE suggests due return in amends, friendly repayment, or reward.
e.g. passengers were recompensed for the delay

verb (satisfies, satisfying, satisfied) with object
meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone):
〈物・事・人が〉 «…で/…して» 〈人〉を満足させる, 喜ばせる «with/by doing» (!通例進行形にしない; ↔ dissatisfy)
e.g. I have never been satisfied with my job
e.g. no object : wealth, the promise of the eighties, has failed to satisfy.
〈人・物・事が〉〈必要・欲求・期待・条件など〉を充足させる, 満たす (!通例進行形にしない)
e.g. social services is trying to satisfy the needs of so many different groups.
provide (someone) with adequate information or proof so that they are convinced about something:
【事を】〈人〉に確信[納得]させる(convince) «as to, of, about» ;〖~ A (that)節〗 A〈人〉に…ということを納得[得心]させる
e.g. with object and clause : people need to be satisfied that the environmental assessments are accurate
〖~ oneself〗 〈人が〉 «…ということを/事を» 納得する; 確かめる «that節/as to, of, about»
e.g. the chief engineer satisfied himself that it was not a weapon.
〈義務〉を果たす, 履行する; 〈損害など〉を賠償する; 〈罪など〉の償いをする
e.g. the whole team is working to satisfy demand.
〘数〙 〈定理・方程式など〉の条件を満たす
〈借金〉を返済する, 〈人〉に返済する
e.g. there was insufficient collateral to satisfy the loan.

satisfiability |ˌsatisˌfīəˈbilitē| noun
satisfiable |ˈsadəˌsfīəb(ə)l| adjective

late Middle English: from Old French satisfier, formed irregularly from Latin satisfacere ‘to content’, from satisenough’ + faceremake’.