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Four6 ということは4人の演奏者による楽曲の6番目の作品ということ
これはなにを意味しているのか? と思っていた
Four6#6035a783b30c0100000eb698 のジャケットを見て初めて気がついた

Goodbye 20th Century | Sonic Youth
> なんかソニック・ユースのヤバイヤツ、見つけちゃったよ

about "Four6"
Date of composition
March 1992
Pauline Oliveros, Joan La Barbara, William Winant and Leonard Stein
Each performer chooses 12 different sounds and plays within flexible time brackets. The sounds must have fixed amplitude, overtone structure, etc.
The first performer's part may be performed solo, as One7

Number Pieces
> ジョン・ケージの Number Pieces このアルバムのジャケットを見てやっと意味がわかったー
> The term Number Pieces refers to a body of late compositions (40, or 41 if Seventeen was actually composed) by John Cage. Each piece is named after the number of performers involved: for instance, Seven is a piece for seven performers, One9 (read "One Nine") is the ninth work for one performer, and 1O1 is a piece for an orchestra of 101 musicians. The vast majority of these works were composed using Cage's time bracket technique: the score consists of short fragments (frequently just one note, with or without dynamics) and indications, in minutes and seconds, during which the fragment can start and by what time it should end. Time brackets can be fixed (e.g. from 1.15 to 2.00) or flexible (e.g. from anywhere between 1.15 and 1.45, and to anywhere between 2.00 and 2.30).
> All of the Number Pieces were composed during the last six years of Cage's life, 1987–1992. Most are for traditional instruments, with six exceptions that range from works for rainsticks, the Japanese aerophone shō and conch shells to an electronically amplified version of 4′33″. This article lists all Number Pieces, organized by number of performers.

Four6 Score

Brackets (after John Cage) (2014)
For four or more players with computer direction
Nicolas Collins
> Inspired by the late “time bracket” compositions of John Cage, Brackets is intended primarily for instruments whose sounds and performance gestures are ill-served by traditional Western notation: “Bent” and homemade circuits; patchcord synthesizers; samplers; computer software; DJs setups; contact-miked objects; electric instruments with effect processors; pitch-indeterminate acoustic instruments, etc. A minimum of four musicians is needed, and there is no maximum size of the ensemble.
ジョン・ケージの後半の「タイムブラケット」構成に触発されたブラケットは、主に、サウンドとパフォーマンスジェスチャーが伝統的な西洋の記譜法では不十分な楽器を対象としています。 パッチコードシンセサイザー; サンプラー; コンピューターソフトウェア; DJのセットアップ; 接触マイクオブジェクト; エフェクトプロセッサーを備えた電気楽器。 ピッチ不定のアコースティック楽器など。最低4人のミュージシャンが必要であり、アンサンブルの最大サイズはありません。
> Each musician selects a number of distinct “gamuts” (between 4-9, the quantity determined by consensus of the group) that can be produced on her or his instrument. In the spirit of Cage’s Four6, these are different sounds “with fixed characteristics”. These gamuts could be determined by: the choice of a Bent circuit with a limited but identifiable sound signature (i.e., a Speak & Spell); the patching and settings of analog synthesizer modules; a prepared sample file; a software algorithm with specific parameter settings; the choice of object to be amplified with a contact mike; settings of an effect processor on an electric guitar; a specific percussion instrument.
各ミュージシャンは、自分の楽器で作成できるいくつかの異なる「色域」(4〜9、グループのコンセンサスによって決定される量)を選択します。 Cageの Four6 の精神では、これらは「固定された特性を持つ」異なるサウンドです。 これらの色域は、次の方法で決定できます。限定されているが識別可能なサウンドシグネチャ(つまり、Speak&Spell)を備えたBent回路の選択。 アナログシンセサイザーモジュールのパッチと設定。 準備されたサンプルファイル。 特定のパラメータ設定を備えたソフトウェアアルゴリズム。 コンタクトマイクで増幅するオブジェクトの選択。 エレクトリックギターのエフェクトプロセッサーの設定。 特定の打楽器。