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John Cage Edition
John Cage Edition
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John Cage Edition 53個のうち、42個が spotify にあった
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Vol.1 Etudes Boreales; Ryoanji (mode 1/2, 2-LPs). 2-LP limited-edition set of 200, signed and numbered by John Cage. (limited stocks at $400 per set)
Etudes Boreales for cello solo, piano solo and cello/piano duo
Frances-Marie Uitti, cello. Michael Pugliese, piano
Ryoanji for 4 voices and percussion
Isabell Ganz, mezzo. Michael Pugliese, piano
Spotify none
bandcamp none

Vol.2 Atlas Eclipticalis with Winter Music (mode 3/6, 3-CDs)
Atlas Eclipticalis (1961)
for chamber ensemble
with Winter Music (1957)
for 3 pianos
Atlas Eclipticalis (1961) (29:44)
for orchestra
Winter Music (1957) (10:17)
for 20 pianos

Vol.3 Complete String Quartets 1 (mode 17)
Music for Four (1987, revised 1988) 30:03
Thirty Pieces for String Quartet (1983) 30:23
Arditti Quartet

Vol.4 Music for Merce Cunningham (mode 24)
Five Stone Wind (1988) 53:02
Takehisa Kosugi, amplified violin, live electronics, bamboo flute
Michael Pugliese, 9 clay pots and tapes
David Tudor, live electronics
Cartridge Music (1960) 18:53
Takehisa Kosugi, Michael Pugliese, David Tudor, phonograph cartridges & amplified small objects

Vol.5 Complete String Quartets 2 (mode 27)
String Quartet in Four Parts (1949/50) 21:38
Four (1989) 31:07
Arditti Quartet
Spotify none

Vol.6 Roaratorio; Laughtears; Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegan’s Wake (mode 28/29, 2-CDs)
Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake (1976/79) 60:30.
John Cage, voice
Joe Heaney, singer
Seamus Ennis, Uillean pipes
Paddy Glackin, fiddle
Matt Malloy, flute
Peadher Mercier, Mell Mercier, bodhran
with 62 track tape
Laughtears: Conversation on Roaratorio (1979) 30:55
John Cage and Klaus Schöning, speakers
Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake (1976/79) 60:05
John Cage, speaker

Vol.7 Freeman Etudes, Books 1 & 2 (mode 32)
Freeman Etudes Books 1
Freeman Etudes Books 2
Irvine Arditti, violin

Vol.8 Europera 5 (mode 36)
Europera 5
Yvar Mikhashoff, piano
Martha Herr, soprano
Gary Burgess, tenor
Jan Williams, 78-rpm victrola
Don Metz, “Truckera” tape

Vol.9 Freeman Etudes, Books 3 & 4 (mode 37)
Freeman Etudes Books 3
Freeman Etudes Books 4
Irvine Arditti, violin

Vol.10 Europeras 3 & 4 (mode 38/39, 2-CDs)
Europeras 3
Europeras 4
Long Beach Opera

Vol.11 Orchestral Works 1 (mode 41)
101 (1989)
for large orchestra
for four vocalists with chamber orchestra
Walter Buckingham, Protestant
Darrell Dunn, Native American
Semenya McCord, African American
Chiam Parchi, Sephardi
RYOANJI (1983-85)
for four soloists with orchestra
Fenwick Smith, flute
Anthony D’Amico, string bass
Michael Miller, oboe
Petur Eiriksson, bass trombone
Stephen Drury, conductor
New England Conservatory Philarmonia

Vol.12 Number Pieces 1 (mode 44)
FOUR3 (1991) 30:36
for Merce Cunningham’s dance Beach Birds
Ami Flammer, violin & rainsticks
Martine Joste, piano & rainsticks
Dominique Alchourroun, piano & rainsticks
Jean Michaut, rainsticks
ONE5 (1990) 19:31
Martine Joste, piano
TWO6 (1992) 19:47
Ami Flammer, violin
Martine Joste, piano

Vol.13 Piano Works 1 (mode 47)
1 Music For Two 29:57
2 One 10:00
3 Music Walk 10:53
4 One5 20:40

Vol.14 Piano Works 2: Sonatas & Interludes (mode 50)
Philipp Vandré, prepared piano
Sonatas And Interludes For Prepared Piano
1 Sonata I 3:01
2 Sonata II 2:06
3 Sonata III 2:34
4 Sonata IV 2:37
5 First Interlude 4:14
6 Sonata V 2:34
7 Sonata VI 3:29
8 Sonata VII 2:15
9 Sonata VIII 3:16
10 Second Interlude 5:17
11 Third Interlude 3:15
12 Sonata IX 4:19
13 Sonata X 3:36
14 Sonata XI 4:08
15 Sonata XII 3:20
16 Fourth Interlude 2:32
17 Sonata XIII 4:05
18 Sonata XIV & XV "Gemini" 7:07
19 Sonata XVI 5:32

Vol.15 The Lost Works: The City Wears a Slouch Hat, etc (mode 55)
Paul Schmidt / Essential Music
The City Wears a Slouch Hat
Radio play for actors and “sound orchestra” to a text by Kenneth Patchen (1942)
Featuring Paul Schmidt as “The Voice”, with a large ensemble of actors
Fads and Fancies from the Academy
for piano and percussionists (1940)
A Chant with Claps
for voice and claps
spotify none

Vol.16 The Piano Concertos (mode 57)
Concert for Piano and Orchestra (30:05) (1957/58)
David Tudor, piano
Ensemble Modern
Ingo Metzmacher, conductor
Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra(9:12 / 9:30 / 4:58) (1951, first CD recording)
Fourteen (20:00) (1990, first recording)
Stephen Drury, piano & bowed piano
Callithumpian Consort
Charles Peltz, conductor

Vol.17 The Piano Works 3 (mode 63)
The Seasons-Ballet in One Act (1947)
1. Prelude I (1:56)
2. Winter (1:36)
3. Prelude II (0:51)
4. Spring (2:40)
5. Prelude III (2:18)
6. Summer (4:30)
7. Prelude IV (0:59)
8. Fall (2:31)
9. Finale (Prelude I) (1:10)
ASLSP (1985)
10. 1 (2:26)
11. 2 (2:00)
12. 3 (2:07)
13. 4 (2:30)
14. 5 (2:34)
15. 6 (1:47)
16. 7 (2:23)
17. 8 (2:33)
Cheap Imitation (1969)
18. I (7:15)
19. II (9:20)
20. III (2:06)
Stephen Drury, piano

Vol.18 The Choral Works 1 (mode 71)
Four2 (1990) (6:47)*
Version 1
Living Room Music (1940)
for percussion and speech quartet
I. To Begin (1:14)
II. Story (2:29)
III. Melody (2:24)
IV. End (1:44)
ear for EAR (Antiphonies) (1983) (3:55)*
Version 1
Four2 (1990) (6:54)*
Version 2
Four Solos (1988) (15:00)
Version 2
Five (1988) (4:56)
Version 2
Hymns and Variations (1979) (28:29)
for 12 amplified voices
Hymn I, Hymn II, Variations I-X
Vocal Group Ars Nova
Támas Vetö, conductor
Gert Sorensen, percussion (2, 4, 5)

Vol.19 Number Pieces 2/Complete String Quartets 3: Five3 (mode 75)
Five3(1991) (40:01)
for trombone & string quartet
Monique Buzzarté, trombone
The Arditti String Quartet
Irvine Arditti, violin
David Alberman, violin
Garth Knox, viola
Rohan de Saram, cello

Vol.20 The Text Pieces 1: Cage Performs Cage (mode 84/85, 2-CDs)
Series re Morris Graves (1973) 80:05
Art is Either a Complaint or Do Something Else 32:38
What You Say (1979) 10:34

Vol.21 Orchestral Works 2 (mode 86)
New England Conservatory Orchestras
Stephen Drury, director
ETCETRA (1973) 20:44
for chamber orchestra with 3 conductors
Callithumpian Consort of New England Conservatory
Tamara Brooks, Stephen Drury, Charles Peltz, conductors
ETCETERA 2/4 ORCHESTRAS (1986) 30:08
for large orchestra divided into 4 smaller ensembles with their own conductors
New England Conservatory Symphony Orchestra
Tamara Brooks, Marsha Hassett, Charles Peltz, Laurie K. Redmer, conductors

Vol.22 Works for Violin 3 (mode 88)
Irvine Arditti, violin
Two4 (1991) 30:16
for violin and sho
Mayumi Miyata, sho
Two4 (1991) (30:18)
for violin and piano
Stephen Drury, piano
Spotify none

Vol.23 Works for Violin 4 (mode 100)
Six Melodies (1950) (2:40, 1:34, 2:11, 2:43, 1:31, 1:56)
for violin & keyboard
Nocturne (1947) (3:30)
for violin & piano
Eight Whiskus (1985) (1:00, 00:45, 00:46, 00:32, 00:41, 00:57, 00:52, 00:46)
for violin
Two6 (1992) (19:56)
for violin & piano
One10 (1992) (24:36)
for violin
Irvine Arditti, violin
Stephen Drury, piano

Vol.24 Works for Saxophone 1 (mode 104)
Works for Saxophone 1 (mode 104) が Works for Saxophone 2 (mode 160) のジャケットになっていた
spotify でも
Ulrich Krieger – saxophones, concept & direction
Five (1988)
version for 2 saxophones, accordion & 2 pianos (5:07)
Ryoanji (1984)
for saxophone, 3 prerecorded saxophones & percussion (21:26)
Four5 (1991)
for saxophone quartet (12:02)
Five4 (1991)
for 2 saxophones & 3 percussions (5:01)
Hymnkus (1986)
for 2 saxophones, accordion, 2 pianos & 2 percussions (30:04)

Vol.25 The Piano Works 4 (mode 106)
Margaret Leng Tan, pianos
John Cage, percussion & tape collage
Burgess Meredith, narrator
1-3. Triple-Paced (1943) (1:07, 1:01, 0:45)
4. Triple-Paced (1944) (2:04)
5. Totem Ancestor (1942) (1:55)
6. Ad Lib (1943) (3:14)
7. Jazz Study (1942) (3:03)
8. Music for Marcel Duchamp (1947) (5:45)
Works of Calder (1949-50) prepared piano
9. I. Prepared Piano (5:05)
10. II. Film soundtrack with narration* (3:09)
11. III. Film soundtrack with percussion* (2:19)
12. IV. Prepared Piano (10:37)
13. One2 (1989) (18:51)

Vol.26 Orchestral Works 3 (mode 108)
Mayumi Miyata, sho
WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln
One9 for sho- (1991)
108 for large orchestra (1991) (43:30)

Vol.27 Works for Violin 5 (mode 118)
1-9. Chorals (1978) (total 4:32)
10-12. One6 (1990) (total 46:24)
Irvine Arditti, violin

Vol.28 The Piano Works 5 (mode 123)
Soliloquy (1944) (3:09)
Three Easy Pieces (1933)
Round (for E.P.S.) (2:44)
Duo (for M.M.) (1:24)
Infinite Canon (for C.M.) (1:50)
Four Walls (1944)
Act I Scene 5. – 12. (37:33)
Act II Scene 13. – 17. (25:04)
Haydée Schvartz, piano
Jack Bruce, voice

Vol.29 The Piano Works 6 (mode 147)
Martine Joste, piano
Seven Haiku (1952)
1. Haiku I (0:17)
2. Haiku II (0:19)
3. Haiku III (0:17)
4. Haiku IV (0:16)
5. Haiku V (0:17)
6. Haiku VI (0:16)
7. Haiku VII (0:15)
Music of Changes (1951)
8. Music of Changes I (4:04)
9. Music of Changes II (18:36)
10. Music of Changes III (10:02)
11. Music of Changes IV (10:59)
Suite for Toy Piano (1948)
12. I (1:22)
13. II (1:33)
14. III (1:22)
15. IV (1:34)
16. V (1:03)

Vol.30 Variations I-III; Lecture on Nothing (mode 129)
Motion Ensemble
VARIATIONS I (1958) (20:03)
for David Tudor, on his birthday (Tardily)
Curtis Dietz, trumpet
Nadia Francavilla, violin
D’Arcy Philip Gray, percussion
Richard Hornsby, clarinet
Andrew R. Miller, double bass
Gina Patterson, horn
Helen Pridmore, prepared piano
VARIATIONS II (1961) (29:48)
for any number of players and any sound producing means
with LECTURE ON NOTHING (1959) for voice
played simultaneously
Nadia Francavilla, prepared & amplified violin
D’Arcy Philip Gray, percussion
Andrew R. Miller, prepared & amplified double bass
Helen Pridmore, voice
VARIATIONS III (1962-63) (20:20)
for one or any number of people performing any actions
John D. S. Adams, D’Arcy Philip Gray, Andrew R. Miller, electronics

Vol.31 From Zero: Four Films on John Cage by Frank Schefferand Andrew Culver (mode 130, DVD)
19 Questions
with John Cage
with the Ives Ensemble
Paying Attention
with John Cage
Overpopulation and Art with Ryoanji
with John Cage, Isabelle Ganz and Michael Pugliese
Spotify none

Vol.32 Number Pieces 3: One8 (mode 141)
One8 (1991) (43:35)
Written for Michael Bach
Michael Bach, cello with BACH.Bow

Vol.33 Works for Violin 5/Complete String Quartets 4: 44 Harmonies; Cheap Imitation (mode 144/145, 2-CDs)
44 Harmonies from Apartment House 1776 (1976)
Harmonies 1-XXV (70:28)
Harmonies XXVI-IXX (32:58)
Irvine Arditti, violin
Graeme Jennings, violin
Dov Scheindlin, viola
Rohan de Saram, cello
Cheap Imitation (1977) (31:52)
Irvine Arditti, violin solo

Vol.34 The Piano Works 7 (mode 158, CD & DVD)
Margaret Leng Tan, piano & prepared piano
Chess Pieces (1944) (7:48)
Sonatas and Interludes (1946-48)
Chess Serenade (1944) (1:28)
VITTORIO RIETI (1898-1994)

Vol.35 A Cage of Saxophones 2 (mode 160)
Ulrich Krieger, saxophones, concept & direction
Sonata for Two Voices (1933)
Sonata (Allegro) (1:16)
Fugato (Lento) (2:18)
Rondo (Tempo Primo) (1:09)
Atlas Eclipticalis (1961) (24:15)*
Composition for Three Voices (1934) (5:02)
Solo for Baritone Saxophone (1957-58)
Solo with obbligato accompaniment of two voices in canon (9:04)
Invention 1 (0:53)
Invention 2 (0:24)
Invention 3 (1:45)
Invention 4 (0:41)
Invention 5 (1:28)
Invention 6 (1:24)
Two (1987) (10:05)*

Vol.36 One11 and 103 (mode 174, DVD)
Spotify none

Vol.37 Complete Short Works for Prepared Piano (mode 180/181, 2-CDs)
Philipp Vandré, prepared piano
The Perilous Night (1944)
I (2:31)
II (0:51)
III (3:58)
IV (2:22)
V (0:36)
VI (3:40)
Tossed As It Is Untroubled (Meditation) (1943) (2:35)
A Room (1943) (2:48)
Primitive (1942) (4:06)
Bacchanale (1940) (9:28)
In the Name of the Holocaust (1942) (4:09, 2:08)
Totem Ancestor (1942) (2:02)
Our Spring Will Come (1943) (4:30)
And the Earth Shall Bear Again (1942) (3:25)
Daughters of the Lonesome Isle (1945) (9:33)
Spontaneous Earth (1944) (2:49)
Music for Marcel Duchamp (1947) (5:50)
Mysterious Adventure (1945) (8:36)
A Valentine Out of Season (1944) (1:38, 1:02, 1:07)
The Unavailable Memory Of (1944) (3:19)
Prelude for Meditation (1944) (1:02)
Root of an Unfocus (1944) (5:01)
Two Pastorales (1951-52) (5:55, 7:21)

Vol.38 The Number Pieces 4 (mode 186)
Trio Dolce, recorders
Solo with Obbligato Accompaniment of Two Voices in Canon, and Six Short Inventions on the Subjects of the Solo (1933-34)
Grave adagio (9:07)
Invention No. 1 (0:53)
Invention No. 2 (0:24)
Invention No. 3 (1:33)
Invention No. 4 (0:37)
Invention No. 5 (1:28)
Invention No. 6 (1:46)
Three (1989)
1 (2:40)
A (3:00)
B (3:00)
C (3:00)
D (3:00)
E (3:00)
F (3:00)
G (3:00)
H (3:00)
I (3:00)
2 (2:10)

Vol.39 The Number Pieces 5 (mode 193)
Two2 (1989) (74:22)
Rob Haskins, piano I
Laurel Karlik Sheehan, piano II

Vol.40 49 Waltzes for the Five Boroughs (mode 204, DVD)
Spotify none

Vol.41 Cage Performs Cage (mode 200)
Empty Words (1973-74) with Music for Piano (1952-56) 30:06
John Cage, voice
Yvar Mikhashoff, piano
One7 (1991) 30:02
for any way of producing sounds
John Cage, voice

Vol.42 A Cage of Saxophones Vols. 3 & 4 (mode 222/23, specially priced 2-CDs)
Party Pieces (1944/45) (10:10)
composed with Henry Cowell, Lou Harrison and Virgil Thomson arrangement for saxophone quartet
Four6 (1992) (20:20)
version for amplified saxophone quartet
Cartridge Music (1960)
Eleven Instruments (2005)
instrumental version for: 4 saxes, violin, viola, cello, bass, accordion, piano, percussion
Fontana Mix (1958) (10:00)
Sextet for low woodwinds (2005) (15:00)
instrumental version for: bass-flute, contra-bass flute, bass-clarinet, contrabass-clarinet, bass-saxophone, contrabass-saxophone
Fontana Mix (1958) (10:00)
electronic version (2004), derived from the pieces recorded on a “Cage of Saxophones, Vols. 1-3”
One7 (1992) (30:00)
version for solo saxophone(s): sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, baritone & toy saxophones (one performer)
4’33” (1952) open windows version (4:33)
version for saxophone trio
4’33” (1952) studio version (4:52)
version for saxophone trio
Sculptures Musicales (1989) (37:01)
version for sax, clarinet, bass-clarinet, accordion, percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello, didjeridu, various wind instruments, amplified objects, electronics

Vol.43: The Works for Percussion I (mode 229, CD & DVD)
Percussion Group Cincinnati
1. CREDO IN US (1942) 12:58
for percussion quartet (including piano and radio or phonograph
First version
With Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony No.5
2. IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE No. 5 (1952) 3:09
for any 42 recordings, score to be realized as a magnetic tape
First version, using period jazz records. Realization by Michael Barnhart
3. IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE No. 4, “March No. 2” (1951) 4:26
for 12 radios. First version
CCM Percussion Ensemble, James Culley, conductor
4. IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE No. 1 (1939) 6:52
for 2 variable-speed turntables, frequency recordings, muted piano and cymbal, to be performed as a recording or broadcast
With Joey Van Hassel
5. IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE No. 2, “March No. 1” (1942) 6:49
for percussion quintet
6. IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE No. 3 (1942) 4:06
for percussion sextet
With Matthew Hawkins, Mark Katsaounis, Jason Mraz
7. IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE No. 4, “March No. 2” (1951) 4:29
Second version
CCM Percussion Ensemble, James Culley, conductor
8. IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE No. 5 (1952) 3:07
Second version, using recordings of Cage’s music. Realization by Michael Barnhart
9. CREDO IN US (1942) 15:00
Second version
With 78-rpm recordings of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and von Suppe
Spotify none

Vol.44: The Number Pieces 6 (mode 239)
Five (1988) 5:00
for any five voices or instruments
Seven (1988) 20:00
for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, piano & percussion
Thirteen (1992) 30:00
for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, tuba, 2 violins, viola, cello & 2 xylophones
Essential Music
John Kennedy & Charles Wood, directors

Vol.45: The Works for Percussion 2 (mode 243)
Third Construction (1941) 10:17
for percussion quartet
Second Construction (1940) 7:50
for percussion quartet
First Construction (in Metal) (1939) 11:25
for percussion sextet, with assistant
Gregory Beyer & Ross Karre, percussion
Trio (1936) 4:30
Quartet (1935) 21:24
Living Room Music (1940) 8:04
for percussion & speech quartet
Third Coast Percussion

Vol.46: Musicircus + films by Henning Lohner (DVDs, in preparation)

Vol.47: The Works for Organ (mode 253, 2-CDs & DVD)
Souvenir (1983) 6:50
Some of “The Harmony of Maine” (Supply Belcher) (1978) 41:33
ASLSP (1985) 23:02
Organ2/ASLSP (1987) 32:56
Gary Verkade

Vol.48: Variations V (mode 258, DVD)

Vol.49: The Piano Works 9 – First Recordings (mode 259)
Jovita Zähl, piano
Thomas Meixner, percussion*
Haiku (1950-51) 4:43
1. I. for my dear friend, Who 0:42
2. II. What stillness! 0:32
3. III. The Green Frog’s Voice 0:52
4. IV. The River Plurabelle 0:33
5. V. 0:45
6. VI. (not numbered) 0:39
7. I. second version (rejected?) 0:40
Sixteen Dances (1950-51) 50:18
version for piano solo, edited by Walter Zimmermann
8. I. Solo (fast) (anger) 1:49
9. II. Trio/3 girls (adagio) 3:58
10. III. Solo “The Mad Dog” (humorous) 2:23
11. IV. “Delicate Leaves” 2:25
12. V. “Monk’s Sarabande” (sorrow) 2:15
13. VI. “Fleeting Images” 3:05
14. VII. “Hero’s Dance” (heroic) 3:15
15. VIII. “Jig for John” 3:55
16. IX. “Odious Warrior” (odious) 3:51
17. X. “Blues” 2:43
18. XI. “Medicine Man” (wondrous) 2:23
19. XII. “Basket Dance” 2:16
20. XIII. Solo (fear) 1:41
21. XIV. Quartet (chance) 6:50
22. XV. Duet (erotic) 4:01
23. XVI. Quartet (tranquility) 5:44

Vol.50: The Works for Percussion 3 (mode 272)
D’Arcy Philip Gray, percussion & bass guitar
1, 8. c/Composed Improvisation (1990) 8:13/8:14
for bass guitar, snare drum & one-sided drum –
two trio versions
2.Child of Tree (1975) 8:11
for amplified plant materials
3.One4 (1990) 6:56
for solo drummer
c/Composed Improvisation (1990) (solo versions)
4.For snare drum alone (8:12)
5.For Steinberger bass guitar (8:12)
6.For one-sided drums with or without jangles (8:03)
7.Branches (1976) 16:12
for amplified plant materials

Vol.51: Radio Happenings: Conversations / Gespräche 1966-1967 (mode 289)
Radio Happenings – 224-page hardcover book with audio DVD of the complete 5-hours of audio from the radio broadcasts of their conversations recorded in 1966-67 on WBAI NYC, mastered from the source closest to the original tapes. Coproduction with MusikTexte, Germany.
Spotify none
1. I. Where Do Ideas Come From? 45:14
2. The Nature and Goals of Our Music 55:52
3. Existential and Modern Music 01:06:49
4. The Vietnam War/Buckminster Fuller 58:00
5. Art, Society, and Social Economics 57:28

Vol.52: The Works For Percussion 4: Music For Speaking Percussionist (mode 296)
1.A Flower (1950) 3:40
2.51’15.657” for a speaking percussionist (2010) 51:22
a solo-simultaneous realization of 45’ for a speaker (1954) and 27’10.554” for a percussionist (1956). Realization by Bonnie Whiting
3.Music for Two (By One) (2011) 13:38
a solo-simultaneous realization of Music for _____ (1984-1987) for solo voice and solo percussion. Realization by Bonnie Whiting
4.The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs (1942) 2:52
5.ALLEN OTTE (b. 1950) / JOHN CAGE Connecting Egypt to Madison through Columbus Ohio, Cage, and the History of the American Labor Movement (2011) 7:18
incorporating Music for Marcel Duchamp and Variations 2
Allen Otte, voice, prepared piano & frame drums

Vol.53: The Works For Piano 10 (mode 304)
Two Pieces For Piano (1936) (3:18)
1 I. Slowly 1:38
2 II. Quite Fast 1:40
Solo For Piano (From The Concert For Piano And Orchestra) (1958) (46:13)
3 (convenience)* 8:48
4 (convenience)* 14:08
5 (convenience)* 5:10
6 (convenience)* 8:21
7 (convenience)* 3:58
8 (convenience)* 5:48
Two Pieces For Piano (1946) (10:34)
9 I. 3--5--2 4:32
10 II. 2 1/4 -- 3 3/4 -- 1 3/4 -- 2 1/4 6:02
11 Swinging (1989) 0:57

Vol.54: The Works for Piano II: Cheap Imitation (mode327)
Interpreters: Aki Takahashi, David Shively, Margaret Lancaster, Morton Feldman
1. Swinging (1989) 0:57
Cheap Imitation (1969) 32:40
2. I. 7:19
3. II. 7:48
4. III. 17:33
5. Perpetual Tango (1984) 2:51
Cheap Imitation (1969) 33:49
Margaret Lancaster, flutes, piccolo
David Shively, glockenspiel
Dedicated to Aki Takahashi
6. I. 7:58
7. II. 8:18
8. III. 18:51
9. All sides of the small stone for Erik Satie and (secretly given to Jim Tenney) as a koan
attributed to John Cage (1978) 4:24