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> Two British Runners Scored Big Wins With Cross-Training. Here’s What They Can Teach Us
> Stephanie Davis and Beth Potter run low mileage but rely heavily on cycling, swimming, and the elliptical.
> They were two of the most striking breakthroughs in recent times: Stephanie Davis, a 30-year-old with a full-time job in finance, running a PR of 2:27:14 to win the British Olympic Marathon Trials in London in March; and Beth Potter, a 29-year-old Scottish triathlete, running 14:41 at the Podium 5K in Lancashire, U.K., two seconds quicker than the world record.
> What made their performances so intriguing is that, unlike most of their world-class rivals, Davis and Potter are not high-mileage runners. Speaking to Runner’s World, Potter said she runs just 30 miles a week, while Davis said she averaged 88K a week (54 miles) on the buildup to her PR.
> It begs the question: Is high mileage really necessary? And could cross-training be an underused weapon in our search for faster times?
> Both Potter and Davis had tried higher mileage in the past, with Potter logging 70 to 90 miles a week when she was focused on running the 2016 Olympics, where she competed in the 10,000 meters.
> “I was working full-time as a teacher back then,” Potter tells Runner’s World, “so I didn’t really have time to swim or run.” In 2018 she switched to triathlons, and these days she’s a full-time professional athlete. But she was shocked by her 5K performance.
> Davis, meanwhile, always found lower volume worked for her, but she experimented with an increase last summer and tried 70 to 75 miles a week. A subsequent bout of IT band syndrome sidelined her for three months. As a result, the routine that led to her breakthrough, much like Potter’s, put heavy emphasis on cross-training.
> Potter typically logs 25 to 30 hours a week in training, with just four of those hours spent running. She does one easy run, one long run and two workouts: intervals on a Tuesday and tempo work on a Saturday. But she also rides her bike five times a week, swims for 90 minutes five days a week, and does two strength sessions along with one yoga session.
> Davis, meanwhile, makes every Monday a “non-impact day,” swimming in the morning and going on the elliptical or riding her trainer in the evening. On Tuesdays she runs intervals on the track or road, and incorporates two other key sessions—tempo work on Thursdays and a long run on Sundays. She supplements her running with six to seven hours of cross-training each week, along with two strength and conditioning sessions and what she calls “an abundance” of stretching.
> “The cross-training approach has always worked for me,” Davis tells Runner’s World. “It helped me add quality to those run sessions because I’m not carrying as much fatigue.”
「当時、私は教師としてフルタイムで働いていました。そのため、泳いだり走ったりする時間があまりありませんでした」とPotterはRunner’sWorldに語っています。 2018年に彼女はトライアスロンに切り替え、最近ではフルタイムのプロスポーツ選手になっています。しかし、彼女は5Kのパフォーマンスにショックを受けました。
「クロストレーニングのアプローチは常に私のために働いてきました」とデイビスはランナーズワールドに語ります。 「倦怠感があまりないので、これらの実行セッションに品質を追加するのに役立ちました。」