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〈人・行為などが〉残忍な, 残虐な, 乱暴な, むごい
e.g. a vicious assault.
(of an animal) wild and dangerous to people.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈天候などが〉ひどい, 激しい; 〈痛みなどが〉強烈な
e.g. a vicious flu bug.
2. literary immoral:
⦅詩/文⦆ 不道徳な, 堕落した(↔ virtuous)
e.g. every soul on earth, virtuous or vicious, shall perish.
3. archaic (of language or a line of reasoning) imperfect; defective.
⦅古⦆ 〈推論などが〉欠陥のある, 不完全な.

Middle English (in the sense ‘characterized by immorality’): from Old French vicious or Latin vitiosus, from vitiumvise’.