generated at
point 特別な
special: 同種類のものと比べて特別な性質・特徴・独自性をもつことを示す
particular: 通常よりも程度がはなはだしく, 同種類のものと区別される特異性をいう
specific: 際立った性質や特徴をいい, 特に明確性・具体性を含む場合にいう
unique: 〘くだけて〙 で, それしかない唯一の特別さを表す

being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else:
比較なし 唯一の, 2つとない (!quite, totally, absolutelyなどでの修飾が可能)
e.g. the situation was unique in modern politics
e.g. original and unique designs.
predicative (unique to) belonging or connected to (one particular person, group, or place):
比較なし «…に» 特有な, 固有の «to, with»
e.g. a style of architecture that is unique to Portugal.
⦅くだけて⦆ すばらしい, 格別の, 類(たぐい)まれな (!very, reallyなどでの修飾や比較級・最上級が可能だが, 誤用とされる場合もある)
e.g. a unique opportunity to see the spectacular Bolshoi Ballet.

noun archaic

early 17th century: from French, from Latin unicus, from unusone’.

There is a set of adjectives—including unique, complete, equal, and perfect—whose core meaning embraces a mathematically absolute concept and which therefore, according to a traditional argument, cannot be modified by adverbs such as really, quite, or very. For example, since the core meaning of unique (from Latin ‘one’) is ‘being only one of its kind,’ it is logically impossible, the argument goes, to submodify it: it either is ‘unique’ or it is not, and there are no stages in between. In practice, the situation in the language is more complex than this. Words like unique have a core sense, but they often also have a secondary, less precise (nonabsolute) sense of ‘very remarkable or unusual,’ as in a really unique opportunity. It is advisable, however, to use unique in this sense sparingly and not to modify it with very, quite, really, etc.