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verb no object
〈王・女王が〉君臨する, 在位する
e.g. Queen Elizabeth reigns over the UK.
be the best or most important in a particular area or domain:
«…で» 優位を築く «over»
e.g. in America, baseball reigns supreme.
⦅文⦆ 〈状態・考えなどが〉 «…に» はびこる, 行き渡る
e.g. confusion reigned.

the period during which a sovereign rules:
(王・女王の)治世, 統治期間; 君臨, 支配
e.g. the original chapel was built in the reign of Charles I.
the period during which someone or something is predominant or preeminent:
(人・考えなどの)優位, 優勢, 支配(の時代)
e.g. these historic seconds inaugurated the reign of negative political advertising.

Middle English: from Old French reignier ‘to reign’, reignekingdom’, from Latin regnum, related to rex, reg-king’.

The correct idiomatic phrase is a free rein, not a free reign; see usage at rein.