noun | ˈrebəl |
〖通例~s〗 反逆者, 反乱兵士; 〖R-〗〘米史〙 反乱軍の兵士〘南北戦争の南軍兵〙.
e.g. Tory rebels
e.g. as modifier : rebel forces.
反主流(勢力), 反対者
【権力者・組織などに】反抗, 敵対する, 謀反を起こす «against»
e.g. the Earl of Pembroke subsequently rebelled against Henry III.
⦅書⦆ «…に» 強い反感を持つ «against, at»
e.g. respect did not prevent children from rebelling against their parents.
e.g. as I came over the hill my legs rebelled—I could walk no further.