generated at

point WRONG, OPPRESS, PERSECUTE, AGGRIEVE mean to injure unjustly or outrageously.
WRONG implies inflicting injury either unmerited or out of proportion to what one deserves.
e.g. a penal system that had wronged him
OPPRESS suggests inhumane imposing of burdens one cannot endure or exacting more than one can perform.
e.g. a people oppressed by a warmongering tyrant
e.g. a child persecuted by constant criticism
AGGRIEVE implies suffering caused by an infringement or denial of rights.
e.g. a legal aid society representing aggrieved minority groups

verb with object
subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs:
(宗教・政治・主義の相違などから長期にわたり) «…という理由で» 〈人が〉虐待を受ける, 迫害される(oppress), しいたげられる «for» ; 〈人・動物が〉いじめられる
e.g. his followers were persecuted by the authorities.
harass or annoy (someone) persistently:
«…で» 〈人〉をうるさく悩ます, …にしつこく迫る «with, by»
e.g. Hilda was persecuted by some of the other girls.

persecutory |ˈpərsəkyəˌtôrē, pərˈsekyəˌtôrē| adjective

late Middle English: from Old French persecuter, from Latin persecut-followed with hostility’, from the verb persequi, from per-through, utterly’ + sequifollow, pursue’.