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verb no object
«…のために/…するために» (動作・話などを)ちょっと止める «for/to do»
e.g. she paused, at a loss for words.
(CDプレイヤー・ビデオデッキなどの)一時停止ボタンを押す, 再生を一時停止する
e.g. she had paused a tape on the VCR.

«…の» 小休止, 途切れ; 間(ま), 中断 «in»
e.g. she dropped me outside during a brief pause in the rain
e.g. the admiral chattered away without pause.
Music a mark over a note or rest that is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount; a fermata.
〘楽〙 フェルマータ〘延長記号; 턐または턑〙
(CDプレイヤー・ビデオデッキなどの)一時停止ボタン(pause button)

cause someone to think carefully or hesitate before doing something:
e.g. public outrage has given him pause.

late Middle English: from Old French, from Latin pausa, from Greek pausis, from pausein ‘to stop’.