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>A monument is a structure that is in honor of someone or something. For example, a statue.
> A memorial is something in remembrance of someone or something. However, unlike a monument, it doesn't have to be a structure, and it always has to be dedicated to something/someone in the past.
> A memorial can be a monument, and a monument can be a memorial, but they don't have to be each other.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial: 広島平和記念碑

1. something, especially a structure, established to remind people of a person or event: 人や出来事を人々に思い出せるために築かれたもの、特に建造物。
«…の» (石などを使った)記念碑, 物; 記念館; 記念行事, 記念祭 «to»
〖通例単数形で〗【故人などを】思い出させるもの, 記念するもの «to» .
e.g. a monument built as a memorial to those who fell in the Civil War.: 南北戦争で失脚した人々を記念するものとして建てられた記念碑
as modifier intended to commemorate someone or something: 誰か、何かを追悼することを意図したもの
e.g. a memorial service in the dead man's honor.: 死者の栄誉に対する追悼式
2. chiefly historical a statement of facts, especially as the basis of a petition:
〘主に史〙 (議会などへの)請願, 陳情書 (!petitionの方が普通) ; 非公式な外交文書.
e.g. the council sent a strongly worded memorial to the chancellor.: 議会は財務大臣に向けて強い言葉の陳情書を提出した。
a record or chronicle: 記録、年代記
〖通例~s〗 (歴史的な)記録, 年代記
e.g. Mrs. Carlyle's Letters and Memorials.: カーライル夫人の手紙と記録

late Middle English: from late Latin memorialerecord, memory, monument’, from Latin memorialis ‘serving as a reminder’, from memoria ‘memory’.