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verb with object
estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct:
〖guess (that)節/wh節〗 〈人が〉…ということを[…かを]推測する, 推量する; 〖~ A to be C〗 A〈人・物・事〉がCだと推測する (!Cは〖名詞〗〖形容詞〗など)
e.g. she guessed the child's age to be 14 or 15
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と推測する (!伝達部は文頭のほか文中・文尾も可能)
e.g. with clause : he took her aside and I guessed that he was offering her a job.
(guess at) make a conjecture about:
«…を» 推測[推量]する, 言い当てる «at, about»
e.g. their motives he could only guess at.
(推測して)〈答えなど〉を言い当てる, 解き当てる
e.g. with clause : she's guessed where we're going.
(I guess) informal used to indicate that although one thinks or supposes something, it is without any great conviction or strength of feeling:
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ ; 〖~(that)節〗 (何となく)…と思う(suppose, suspect) (!(1)進行形にしない. (2)話す内容の不確かさや, 話すことへの躊躇 | ちゅうちょ | の気持ちを示す. (3)コーパスthat省略時はしばしば自分に関する内容が続く)
e.g. with clause : I guess I'd better tell you everything.

«…に関する/…という» 推測, 推量 «at, about, as to/that節» ; 推量した事柄[内容]
e.g. my guess is that within a year we will have a referendum.

very difficult or impossible to determine:
e.g. how well the system will work is anybody's guess.

informal leave someone uncertain or in doubt as to one's intentions or plans.

guessable |ˈɡesəb(ə)l| adjective
guesser noun

Middle English: origin uncertain; perhaps from Dutch gissen, and probably related to get.