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1. North American a piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby's bottom and between its legs to absorb and retain urine and feces.: 尿と糞便を吸収して保持するために赤ちゃんのお尻をの周りと足の間を包む吸水性のある生地
⦅米⦆ (赤ん坊・病人などの)おむつ, おしめ(⦅英⦆ nappy) (!習慣的状況を暗示する場合はしばしば~s)
2. a linen or cotton fabric woven in a repeating pattern of small diamonds.: 小さなひし形の反復パターンで編まれたリネンや綿の布
連続ひし形模様入りリンネル, 綿織物
a repeating geometric or floral pattern used to decorate a surface.: 表面を装飾するのに使われる反復する幾何学的、もしくは花柄の模様

verb with object
1. North American put a diaper on (a baby).: (赤ちゃんに)おむつを着せる
⦅米⦆ 〈赤ん坊など〉におむつを当てる; …のおむつを替える
2. decorate (a surface) with a repeating geometric or floral pattern.: 反復する幾何学的、もしくは花柄の模様で(表面を)装飾する

Middle English: from Old French diapre, from medieval Latin diasprum, from medieval Greek diaspros (adjective), from diaacross’ + asproswhite’. The term seems originally to have denoted a costly fabric, but after the 15th century it was used as in diaper (sense 2 of the noun) ; babies' nappies were originally made from pieces of this fabric, hence diaper (sense 1 of the noun) (late 16th century).