generated at
point 抱きしめる
>A hug is when you put either one or two arms around the torso of another person in a friendly way. A hug is normally completed within 3–5 seconds. Contact is usually restricted to the upper torso and back.
> An embrace is like a hug, but it must be with two arms and you press harder. Embraces can exceed 5 seconds in length, and can involve more contact than a hug.
> A cuddle is like an embrace, but you wiggle around a bit and it goes for much longer. Cuddles are reserved for happy situations, whereas hugs and embraces can also be used in sad situations.
>In terms of intimacy: cuddle > embrace > hug.
親密さの観点から: cuddle > embrace > hug
> Hugs are usually performed standing or sitting, while embraces and cuddles can be performed in any pose.

source: [俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない‎の高坂京介と五更瑠璃が裸で抱き合うGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 659873]

verb with object
hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection: 愛や愛情を示す手段として腕の中に抱きしめる
e.g. he cuddles the baby close: 彼はその赤ん坊をしっかりと抱きしめた。
e.g. they were cuddling each other in the back seat: 彼らは後ろの座席で互いを抱きしめあった。
e.g. no object : the pair have been spotted kissing and cuddling. : その二人はキスと抱き合っているのを見られた。
no object, with adverbial lie or sit close and snug: 近づいてぴったりと横になる、座る
(愛情を込めて) «…を» 抱き締める(up) «to, against» ; «…と» 抱き合う, 寄り添う(up together) «with» .
e.g. they cuddled together to keep out the cold: 彼らは防寒のため互いに寄り添った。
e.g. I love cuddling up in front of a fire.: 私は火の前に寄り添うのが好きだ。

a prolonged and affectionate hug. : 長い、愛情のこもったハグ

early 16th century (rare before the 18th century): of unknown origin.