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a strong open vehicle with two or four wheels, typically used for carrying loads and pulled by a horse:
(牛・馬などが引く)荷車, 荷馬車 (!通例2輪もしくは4輪で1頭で引く; wagonは4輪で2頭で引く)
e.g. a horse and cart.
a shallow open container on wheels that may be pulled or pushed by hand.
(物を運ぶ)カート, 手押し車, (食事を運ぶ)ワゴン(⦅英⦆ trolley)
ショッピングカート(shopping cart, ⦅英⦆ trolley(shopping trolley))
a facility on a website that records items selected by a customer for purchase until the transaction is completed:
e.g. from the product page select the size and quantity you'd like and click ‘Buy’ to add it to your cart.

verb with object
1. convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle:
…を荷車[トラック]で運搬する; …を運び出す(away)
e.g. the produce was packed in crates and carted to Kansas City.
2. informal carry (a heavy or cumbersome object) somewhere with difficulty:
(苦労して)A〈重い物など〉を運ぶ, 移動させる (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現)
e.g. they carted the piano down three flights of stairs.
remove or convey (someone) somewhere roughly or abruptly:
⦅くだけて⦆ 【監獄・病院などに】A〈人など〉を連れてゆく «to» ; A〈物〉をかっぱらう.
e.g. they were carted off to the nearest police station
e.g. seven demonstrators were carted away by the police
e.g. my mother carted us around from one activity to another.

reverse the proper order or procedure of something.

carter |ˈkärdər| noun
cartful |ˈkärtfo͝ol| noun (plural cartfuls)

Middle English: from Old Norse kartr, probably influenced by Anglo-Norman French and Old Northern French carete, diminutive of carre (see car).