generated at
point 反対の
contradictory: 「発言・話などが論理的に矛盾して両立しないこと」を意味する
contrary: 必ずしも論理的矛盾でなく, 「考え方・信念・目的などの上での基本的な相違」を意味する
opposite: 主に「方向・位置・状態・考えなどが正反対であること」を表す

reverse: 順序・上下・左右・表裏など逆の関係にあること.
opposite: 方向・位置などが正反対であること. 比喩的に性質・傾向などについても用いられる.
contrary: 内容などが強い対立関係にあること.
converse: 論理学, 数学で命題が逆であること.

source: [表情の明暗がはっきりしているGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 484666]

adjective | ˈkäntrerē |
〈考え・言動などが〉反対の, 逆の, «…に» 反する «to»
e.g. he ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal.
(of two or more statements, beliefs, etc.) opposed to one another:
e.g. his mother had given him contrary messages.
(of a wind) blowing in the opposite direction to one's course; unfavorable.
⦅かたく⦆ 〈天候などが〉都合の悪い, 逆の
Logic (of two propositions) so related that one or neither but not both must be true. Compare with contradictory.
2 | kənˈtrerē | perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired:
⦅かたく・非難して⦆ 〈人が〉あまのじゃくの, へそ曲がりの, 聞き分けのない
e.g. she is sulky and contrary where her work is concerned.

noun (plural contraries) | ˈkäntrerē |
1. (the contrary) the opposite:
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖通例the ~〗 逆, 正反対(のもの, こと)
e.g. the magazine has proved that the contrary is true.

conflicting with; counter to:
e.g. contrary to his expectations, he found the atmosphere exciting
e.g. the restrictions were not contrary to the public interest.

on (or quite) the contrary
used to intensify a denial of what has just been implied or stated: there was no malice in her; on the contrary, she was very kind.

with the opposite meaning or implication: he continued to drink despite medical advice to the contrary.

contrarily | ˈkäntrerəlē, kənˈtrerəlē | adverb
contrariness | ˈkäntrerēnəs, kənˈtrerēnəs | noun