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verb (disagrees, disagreeing, disagreed) no object
1. have or express a different opinion:
〈人が〉 «人と/…に関して» 意見が異なる, 不賛成である «with/about, on, over, as to» ; 【提案・決定などに】異議を唱える, 反対する «with» (↔ agree)
e.g. no one was willing to disagree with him
e.g. historians often disagree.
(disagree with) disapprove of:
e.g. she disagreed with the system of apartheid.
〈報告・話・数などが〉 «…と» 一致しない, 異なる «with»
e.g. results that disagree with the findings reported so far.
(disagree with) (of food, climate, or an experience) have an adverse effect on (someone):
⦅主に話⦆ 〈食物・気候などが〉 【人に】適さない, 合わない, 害になる «with» (!not agreeの方が普通)
e.g. the North Sea crossing seemed to have disagreed with her.

late 15th century (in disagree (sense 2) , also in the sense ‘refuse to agree to’): from Old French desagreer.