achieve: 困難の克服により, その当然の結果として目標・成功・名声などを手にすること. 〘ややかたく〙 響くので日常英語では
attain: 〘かたく〙 で, 長期間の努力の末, 水準・目標・地位などに到達することをいうが, 年齢のように努力せず自然と達成する場合にも用いる
accomplish: 〘ややかたく〙 で, 手段や過程より完結を強調し, 任務・仕事・変化・偉業などを達成すること
PERFORM implies action that follows established patterns or procedures or fulfills agreed-upon requirements and often connotes special skill.
e.g. performed gymnastics
EXECUTE stresses the carrying out of what exists in plan or in intent.
e.g. executed the hit-and-run
DISCHARGE implies execution and completion of appointed duties or tasks.
e.g. discharged his duties
ACCOMPLISH stresses the successful completion of a process rather than the means of carrying it out.
e.g. accomplished everything they set out to do
e.g. achieve greatness
EFFECT adds to
ACHIEVE an emphasis on the inherent force in the agent capable of surmounting obstacles.
e.g. effected sweeping reforms
FULFILL implies a complete realization of ends or possibilities.
e.g. fulfilled their ambitions
verb with object
〈人が〉(努力を積み重ねて)〈地位・成功など〉を獲得する, 得る, 受ける; 〈物が〉〈よい結果など〉を得る, 生み出す, もたらす; 〈人・物が〉(立派に)〈課題・目的・一定の水準など〉を達成[完了]する, やり遂げる(
e.g. he achieved his ambition to become a journalist
〈人・物が〉 «…で» 成功をおさめる, 目的を達成する «in»
e.g. no object : people striving to achieve.