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Steady Progress
Steady Progress
Maffetone, Philip. The Maffetone Method: The Holistic, Low-Stress, No-Pain Way to Exceptional Fitness (p.67). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle 版.
> Steady Progress
> Jane began a training program of walking that progressed to jogging and running. Her MAF test time initially was about 18.5 minutes per mile. After about ten months Jane was walking faster than 13,5 minutes per mile, and since she found it difficult to walk at that rapid pace, she began jogging.
> After about a year of jogging, her MAF test time was just under 11 minutes per mile, and six months later it was 9.5 minutes. At that time Jane began participating in local 5- and 10-kilometer road races, and increased her training. Her MAF test time improved to 8 minutes and 45 seconds and remained there for three months. The next month’s test was 9 minutes and 15 seconds.
> After not consulting with me for more than a year, Jane arrived at my office with knee pain, increased fatigue, and depression. She had a number of other overtraining signs and symptoms, including a variety of muscle problems. After three office visits and consequent modifications to her diet and training, Jane began to feel better. During the time of her office visits, her MAF test time remained at 9 minutes and 15 seconds. Two weeks after her first visit, it had Improved to about 9 minutes. And after another month she was nearly symptom-free, and her MAF test time had improved to about 8 minutes and 20 seconds; and she continued to make slow but steady improvements.
1年以上私と相談しなかった後、ジェーンは膝の痛み、疲労の増加、うつ病で私のオフィスに到着しました。彼女には、さまざまな筋肉の問題を含む、他の多くのオーバートレーニングの兆候と症状がありました。 3回のオフィス訪問とそれに伴う食事とトレーニングの変更の後、ジェーンは気分が良くなり始めました。彼女のオフィス訪問中、彼女のMAFテスト時間は9分15秒(5'45"/km)のままでした。彼女の最初の訪問から2週間後、約9分(5'40"/km)に改善されました。さらに1か月後、彼女はほぼ無症状になり、MAFテスト時間は約8分20秒(5'15"/km)に改善されました。彼女はゆっくりと着実に改善を続けました。