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Out and Back
from 2020/05
Out and Back

> ミュンヘン五輪1500m銅メダリストで、ニューヨークシティマラソン優勝経験もあるロッド・ディクソンが、特にパンデミック状態の世界で家からそれほど離れず行えるトレーニングメニューとして、”アウト&バックラン“というシンプルな30分走を勧めているので、紹介していきたいと思います。
> ディクソン氏は伝説的なコーチであるアーサー・リディアードの影響を強く受けており、「リディアードのランニングバイブル」でも無酸素的な負荷がかからずずっと走り続けられる”最高安定状態“をテストする方法としてアウト&バックランを勧めてます。
> (※最高安定状態のランニングは現在では乳酸性作業閾値=LTのテンポ走と言われ、30分前後のテンポ走は今も多くのランナーが取り入れている定番メニューです)

Out and back running sessions
> The ethos of the out and back is simple. You run out for a specific time, turn around and run back to where you started. Your run needs to be traffic-free which is why a canal path or trail would be ideal.
> During the current pandemic, be careful to respect government guidelines in exercising near to home and keeping your social distancing and this of course applies while you are running.
アウト&バックの精神はシンプルです。 あなたは特定の時間を使い果たし、振り向いて、あなたが始めたところに戻って走ります。 走行は交通のない状態である必要があるため、運河の小道や小道が理想的です。
> While coached by his older brother John, Rod Dixon was heavily influenced by the legendary Arthur Lydiard and now has a pivotal role with the Lydiard Foundation. Lydiard himself has explained: “So first, you have to find your own basic capability. The best way to do this is to run an out and back course, for say 30 minutes.
> “Run out for 15 minutes at a steady pace, then turn and run back again, trying to maintain that pace and not trying to force yourself. If it takes you 20 minutes to get back, it shows you’ve run the outward leg too fast for your condition. If you’re back inside 15 minutes without apparently increasing your effort, you haven’t run fast enough to begin with.” (Taken from The Lydiard Way, 1978).
> Here Lydiard was using the out and back to teach his athletes pace judgement at their ‘best aerobic effort’. Today we would say this is a 30 minute sub-threshold run. Lydiard has also said: “We call the limit the maximum steady state; the level at which you are working to the limit of your ability to breathe in, transport and use oxygen.”
> If you want to use it in this way, warm up and then run an out and back course of similar difficulty both ways, preferable a flat route. An experienced athlete, with good pace judgement, running comfortably at their sub-threshold pace, should be able to complete the return journey within 30 seconds either side of the 30 minutes.
> As your training progresses and condition improves, you should be able to cover more distance in the 30 minutes, with the same level of effort. So in essence it’s a good mode of benchmarking your training.
> The two-time world cross country bronze medallist explains: “During my training and preparation the ‘out and back’ was an important segment/component after the foundation/aerobic training.
> “Sometimes as much as 5 mile out and back or 3 mile out and back. Most often a mile out and back.”
> Dixon is an advocate of abandoning a fixation on the stopwatch for these sessions, adding that it was “a learning experience for pace judgement and about developing instinct”.

「安定したペースで15分間走ってから、再び走り返って、そのペースを維持しようとし、無理にしようとしないでください。戻るのに20分かかる場合は、アウトの脚の走り方が速すぎて体調が悪いことを示しています。明らかに労力を増やさずに15分以内に戻った場合は、最初から十分な速度で走っていません。」 (The Lydiard Way、1978から取得)。

ここで、リディアールはアウト&バックを使用して、「最高の有酸素運動」でアスリートにペース判断を教えていました。今日、これは30分の サブ・スレッショルド 実行であると言えます。リディアード氏はまた、次のようにも述べています。息を吸い、輸送し、酸素を使用する能力の限界まで、あなたが働いているレベル。」
サブ・スレッショルド = Sub-LT, Sub-AnT




> Evidence suggests that following Lydiard’s method, out and back runs would be practiced at least once every three weeks. This is dependent on the point you are at within your periodisation cycle and allows you the opportunity to engage in other modes of training which will be functional for your development, such as hill work for strength endurance and repetition work for speed endurance or fartlek, which of course works all three energy systems.
> While the out and back has been traditionally associated with even-paced running, you need to think about progressing your work because athletes that train the same, tend to stay the same. Consider both (a) negative split sessions and (b) progression runs.
> In terms of negative split sessions, some of Dixon’s own progressions included the following:
> 1/4 effort out 3/4 effort back
> 1/2 effort out 3/4 effort back
> 1/2 effort out 7/8 effort back
> The three progressions above get harder to effect so are a way of progressively overloading the system over several months or years.
> Additionally, another way of effecting a negative split session less in terms of a binary and more incrementally is through progression runs. This means that you increase your pace throughout your workout until you are running beyond your maximal steady state at the end.
> Typically Dixon would start out at 1/4 effort then up his pace to 1/2 effort. At halfway he would turn and begin to come back at 3/4 effort with his final half mile at 7/8 effort.
> While the out and back run traditionally involves a strong aerobic energy system component, it can be adapted to work both the alactic and lactate energy systems. This may be especially useful during the pandemic when tracks are out of bounds.
> Short out and backs of less than 40 metres long could be used for a sparkly 10-second effort with a jog recovery of a couple of minutes, which will use the alactic (stop-start) system.
> A hard out and back with a return journey of between a minute and three minutes would definitely be training the lactate (linking) system.
往路と復路は従来、等ペースのランニングと関連付けられてきましたが、同じトレーニングをするアスリートは同じままでいる傾向があるため、作業の進行について考える必要があります。 (a)負の分割セッションと(b)進行の実行の両方を検討してください。





アウトとバックランは伝統的に強力な有酸素エネルギーシステムコンポーネントを必要としますが、alactic と lactate の両方のエネルギーシステムを動作させるように適合させることができます。これは、トラックが境界外にあるパンデミック時に特に役立ちます。



> こうして5分走ったら折り返します。まずは、毎朝10分走ることから始めるのです。
via ランニングする前に読む本 第5章 マラソンへ向けたトレーニング


屋内における10m往復運動が心身に及ぼす影響 ―ウォーキングとスロージョギングを比較した事例研究から―