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probability theory
Mathematical Statistics – Branch of statistics
Expected value – Average value of a random variable
Variance – Statistical measure of how far values spread from their average
Fuzzy logic – System for reasoning about vagueness
Fuzzy measure theory – theory of generalized measures in which the additive property is replaced by the weaker property of monotonicity
Glossary of probability and statistics – List of definitions of terms and concepts in statistics and probability
Likelihood function – Function related to statistics and probability theory
Predictive modelling – Form of modelling that uses statistics to predict outcomes
Probabilistic logic – use of probability and logic to deal with uncertain situations
Probability distribution – Mathematical function for the probability a given outcome occurs in an experiment
Probability axioms – Foundations of probability theory
Probability interpretations – Philosophical interpretation of the axioms of probability
Probability space – Mathematical concept
Statistical independence – When the occurrence of one event does not affect the likelihood of another
Statistical physics – Physics of many interacting particles
Pairwise independence§Probability of the union of pairwise independent events – Set of random variables of which any two are independent