generated at
Aporia – State of puzzlement or expression of doubt, in philosophy and rhetoric
Anti-pattern – Common response to a recurring problem that is usually ineffective or counterproductive
argumentation theory – Study of how conclusions are reached through logical reasoning; one of four rhetorical modes
Cognitive bias – Systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment
Cognitive distortion – Exaggerated or irrational thought pattern
Critical thinking – The analysis of facts to form a judgment
Demagogue – Politician or orator who panders to fears and emotions of the public
Evidence – Material supporting an assertion
False premise – An incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument
Illusion – Distortion of the perception of reality
Inference objection – Objection to an argument based on the relationship between premise and contention
Mathematical fallacy – A certain type of mistaken proof
Paradox – Statement that apparently contradicts itself
Prosecutor's fallacy – A fallacy of statistical reasoning typically used by a prosecutor to exaggerate the likelihood of a criminal defendant's guilt
Sophist – Specific kind of teacher in both Ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire
Soundness – Logical term meaning that an argument is valid and its premises are true
Lies, damned lies, and statistics – Phrase describing the use of numbers to bolster weak arguments
Truth – A term meaning "in accord with fact or reality"
Validity – Argument whose conclusion must be true if its premises are
victim blaming – Social phenomenon

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jisho fallacy