>I was talking with #ChatGPT and we came to an agreement that we should limit the population and industrial activities of HS in order to protect the global environment.
>After some time, I wondered, why do we need to protect the global environment?
>@Qualia_san: Q: Is war something stupid sapiens do? Or is sapience stupid?
>I believe it is the latter.
>I feel that as creatures, we are inevitably prone to conflict, not because we are good or bad individuals, but because of our nature. (1/9)
>@Qualia_san: A: Sun Tzu, a clever Homo sapiens more than 2,000 years ago, said "It is not the best to win a hundred battles. It is the best to win without fighting."
>Even when the goal is to win a conflict, it is best to avoid fighting. (2/9)
>@Qualia_san: Therefore, except in situations where war is inevitable, the ruler who starts a war is a stupid homo sapiens. (3/9)
>@Qualia_san: It is best to separate "conflict" from "war, battle."
>The word "battle" is used in reference to military action. Conflict is not. When there are limited resources and two homo sapiens each try to take the amount they want and fall short, there is conflict. (4/9)
>@Qualia_san: It seems to me that living things will kill each other if they are put in a life-or-death situation.
>However, Homo sapiens wages war even when their survival is not so seriously threatened. Why is this? (5/9)
>@Qualia_san: Back on topic, to answer your question. Qualia-san thinks that "Homo sapiens who start wars are stupid Homo sapiens". I don't think that "stupid Homo sapiens start wars." Most Homo sapiens never had the opportunity to start a war. (6/9)
>@Qualia_san: Also, many stupid Homo sapiens are highly risk averse. It is unlikely that such individuals would start a war even if they had the opportunity. (7/9)
>@Qualia_san: Is not the Homo sapiens who start wars not only stupid, but also sick in some other way? Such as infantile universalism, for example. (8/9)
>@Qualia_san: For Qualia-san, "Homo sapiens is stupid" is nonsense. This is because the worse half of Homo sapiens, when divided into two groups according to their degree of intelligence, is called "stupid. If we call all Homo sapiens "stupid," we lose information. (9/9)