アキノリ - 06/02/2023 4:06 PM
台湾の標準中国語でQuadratic Votingのことを平方投票と呼ぶようになった(あるいは考えている)経緯を知りたいのです。私はその情報を探しているのですが、うまくいきませんでした。教えていただけませんか?平という字は、日本語では平等や公平を意味する、あるいはそれに関連する。
平方とは中国語で2乗を意味し、aの2乗b、a^bはaのb乗を意味し、平根は平方根を意味する。Quadratic Votingの精神は、公正な数学的方法でコンセンサスを分配することだ。
ただ、平方か二次かというのは、言語によって判断が分かれるのではないかと思っています。quadraticは通常二次と訳されるようですが、これは日本語にも当てはまります。したがって、quadratic equationは二次方程式と表記される。Google翻訳では、quadratic equationは中国語(繁体字)でも中国語(簡体字)でも二次投票と表示される。
(もちろん、quadraticがsquare root / square power という特徴を誰もが理解していることは前提です)
マッシュビーン 豆泥
1^1 = 一次方
1^2 = 二次方 = 平方 = 正方形
1^3 = 三次方 = 立方 = 立方体
1^4 = 四次方
akinori — 06/02/2023 4:06 PM
Hello ~~~ @mashbean 豆泥 @
noah I am just curious to know how you arrived at (or think about) the term 平方投票 for quadratic voting in Taiwanese Mandarin. I have been looking for the information, but never succeeded. Would you care to share? The ideographic character 平 means or is associated with equality or equity in Japanese.
If there is any previously created resources that you can share, it would be great to read/watch those assets.
mashbean 豆泥
平方 means square in Chinese, a squared b, a^b, means a to the power of b, and 平方根 means square root. The spirit of quadratic voting is to distributed the consensus in a fair mathematic way.
and btw, 平 in Chinese means flat, 平等 means equal and fair.
Hello, mashbean. I appreciate your very prompt response very much.
I am just wondering if languages might have had to decide on the term between 平方 and 二次. It seems quadratic is usually translated into 二次, which is true to Japanese. Therefore, quadratic equation is written as 二次方程式. In Google Translate, quadratic voting is shown as 二次投票 in both Chinese (Traditional) and Chinese (Simplified).
But, I am very much aware of the accepted use of 平方投票 that appears literally everywhere, in Presidential Hackathon and Ideathon, and the list just goes on.
(of course, it is given that everyone understands the characteristics of quadratic being both square routed and powered)
(I really appreciate your very prompt response, but this can wait just in case you kindly responded to this with priority)
Same as in Japanese > 平方 means square in Chinese, a squared b, a^b, means a to the power of b, and 平方根 means square root.
And also 二次 can mean "secondary" in Japanese. I think it is not a good translation for "quadratic".
Additionaly, Japanese read the unit of area m^2 as "平方meter", it is not difficult to understand for most Japanese.
mashbean 豆泥:
Absolutely in Chinese
For example 10 m^2 is written in 十平方公尺 as Chinese
1^1 = 一次方
1^2 = 二次方 = 平方 = Square
1^3 = 三次方 = 立方 = cube
1^4 = 四次方