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Level 1 : ビジネスアナリスト
"A brief history of project management (and why you should care)", Chapter 1 in Making Things Happen, Scott Berkun (20 pages, Analytical) (マネジメント領域)
"Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professionalism", ACM/IEEE-CS (3 pages, Analytical) (基礎領域)
"What Is Software Testing? And Why Is It So Hard?", James A Whittaker (10 pages, Analytical) (テスト領域)
Code Complete 2nd Edition, Chapter 20, Steve McConnell (25 pages, Analytical) (品質領域)
Code Complete 2nd Edition, Chapter 24, Steve McConnell (25 pages, Analytical) (保守領域)
Code Complete 2nd Edition, Chapter 5, Steve McConnell (45 pages, Analytical) (設計領域)
Code Complete 2nd Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 8, 34, Steve McConnell (66 pages, Analytical) (構築領域)
ソフトウェア要求 第 3 版 (Software Requirements 3rd Edition), Chapter 1, Karl Wiegers (22 pages, Analytical) (要求領域)
ソフトウェア要求 第 3 版 (Software Requirements 3rd Edition), Parts I-II, Karl Wiegers (382 pages, Analytical) (RQMT)
User Stories Applied, Chapters 2, 6, 7, Mike Cohn (28 pages, Analytical) (RQMT)

Level 2 : シニアビジネスアナリスト
Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban, Stellman and Greene (420 pages, Inspectional) (プロセス領域、マネジメント領域)
Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders, Jurgen Appelo (464 pages, Analytical) (MGMT)
"The Goal Question Metric Approach", Basili, Caldiera, and Rombach (10 pages, Analytical) (PRCS)
Rapid Development, Chapter 7, Steve McConnell (28 pages, Inspectional) (PRCS)
BDD in Action, John Ferguson Smart (384 pages, Syntopical) (RQMT)
Competitive Engineering, Tom Gilb (480 pages, Inspectional, as part of a Syntopical Reading set) (QUAL, RQMT)
Mastering the Requirements Process 3rd Edition, Chapters 7, 12, Robertson and Robertson (52 pages, Syntopical) (RQMT)
Mastering the Requirements Process 3rd Edition, Robertson and Robertson (768 pages, Inspectional, as part of a Syntopical Reading set) (RQMT)

Level 3 : プロダクトオーナー
Agile Retrospectives, Derby and Larsen (200 pages, Inspectional) (QUAL)
Competitive Engineering, Tom Gilb, Specification Quality Control Chapter (40 pages, Analytical) (QUAL)
Handbook of Software Quality Assurance 4th Edition, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 15, G. Gordon Schulmeyer (151 pages, Analytical) (QUAL)
Peer Reviews in Software, Chapters 3-4, Karl Wiegers (29 pages, Analytical) (QUAL)

Level 4 : シニアプロダクトオーナー
Return on Software: Maximizing the Return on Your Software Investment, Steve Tockey, Chapter 1-5, 7-11, 18-20 (187 pages, Analytical) (FNDN)
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell (336 pages, Syntopical) (MGMT)
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni (229 pages, Syntopical) (MGMT)