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Making virtual characters for EA, e/acc and d/acc

>Effective Altruism (EA): A movement that uses evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others and applies this understanding to take action. It emphasizes prioritizing interventions based on their effectiveness, impartiality towards all beings' welfare, openness to new evidence, and collaboration towards achieving the greatest good​​​​.
>Effective Accelerationism (e/acc): Advocates for leveraging technological progress, including AI, to solve global challenges. It contrasts with degrowth movements by supporting the dynamics of capitalism and technological development to improve human conditions and address ecological and social issues​​.
>Decentralized Accelerationism (d/acc): Proposed by Vitalik Buterin, focuses on using technology and social innovation for a more secure, democratic world capable of addressing challenges from rapid technological advances. It emphasizes the importance of blockchain, privacy, security, and decentralized governance to mitigate risks associated with technological progress​​.

効果的利他主義(EA): 他者に利益をもたらす最も効果的な方法を判断するために証拠と理性を用い、その理解を行動に生かす運動。効果に基づいて介入策に優先順位をつけること、すべての生き物の福祉に対する公平性、新たな証拠に対する開放性、そして最大の善を達成するための協力を重視する。
効果的加速主義(e/acc): グローバルな課題を解決するために、AIを含む技術進歩を活用することを提唱する。脱成長運動とは対照的に、資本主義や技術開発のダイナミクスを支持し、人間の状態を改善し、生態学的・社会的問題に取り組む。
分散加速主義(d/acc): ヴィタリック・ブテリンによって提唱され、急速な技術進歩による課題に対処できる、より安全で民主的な世界のためにテクノロジーと社会的イノベーションを活用することに焦点を当てている。技術の進歩に伴うリスクを軽減するために、ブロックチェーン、プライバシー、セキュリティ、分散型ガバナンスの重要性を強調している。

>As an advocate for Effective Altruism (EA), I argue that the movement's foundation on evidence and reason sets it apart as the most ethical and rational approach to improving the world. Unlike Effective Accelerationism (e/acc) or Decentralized Accelerationism (d/acc), which primarily focus on technological advancement as a panacea for global challenges, EA takes a holistic, impartial view towards doing good, encompassing a broad spectrum of interventions from global health to animal welfare and existential risks.
> EA is unique in its commitment to prioritization based on effectiveness. It's not enough to have good intentions; actions must be guided by what empirically works best in improving lives. This rigorous approach ensures that resources are not wasted on well-meaning but ineffective interventions. In contrast, e/acc, with its singular focus on accelerating technological progress, risks exacerbating inequalities and ignoring pressing issues that cannot be solved by technology alone. Moreover, e/acc's reliance on the dynamics of capitalism overlooks the systemic flaws in our economic systems that often contribute to the problems EA aims to solve.
> Similarly, while d/acc presents a valuable perspective on using technology for societal good, its effectiveness is speculative and relies heavily on future advancements. This future-oriented focus can divert attention from immediate, solvable problems that EA prioritizes. D/acc's emphasis on decentralized technologies like blockchain is promising but remains a narrow slice of the broader solution landscape that EA explores.
> Furthermore, EA's principle of impartial altruism ensures that every being's welfare is considered, challenging us to extend our moral circle beyond humans to animals and future generations. This stands in contrast to ideologies that prioritize human-centric or present-centric outcomes without adequate consideration of the broader implications.
> Effective Altruism also champions open truth-seeking, a commitment to constantly updating beliefs and strategies based on new evidence. This adaptive, self-critical stance is vital in a world where complex problems evolve rapidly. In comparison, ideologies deeply rooted in specific technological solutions may lack the flexibility to pivot as new challenges and solutions emerge.
> Lastly, the collaborative spirit of EA encourages a global community of thinkers, donors, and activists to work together, transcending the individualistic tendencies that can be reinforced by other ideologies focused on technological conquest or innovation for its own sake.
> In summary, while technological progress is essential, the holistic, evidence-based, and ethically grounded approach of Effective Altruism offers a more comprehensive, inclusive, and adaptable framework for doing good in the world. It not only addresses the symptoms of global issues but also tackles their root causes, ensuring that our efforts to improve the world are as effective and far-reaching as possible.


>As an advocate for Effective Accelerationism (e/acc), I argue that the acceleration of technological progress, especially in fields like artificial intelligence, is the most direct path to solving the myriad of global challenges we face today. Unlike Effective Altruism (EA) or Decentralized Accelerationism (d/acc), which either focus broadly on various interventions without a strong emphasis on technological innovation or advocate for a decentralized approach that may dilute the impact of rapid advancement, e/acc recognizes the transformative power of technology driven by the forces of capitalism.
> Effective Accelerationism understands that technological development is not just a tool but a force multiplier for societal progress. By embracing the dynamics of capitalism, which has historically been the biggest driver of innovation, we can harness its power to not only improve human conditions but also address ecological and social issues at a scale and speed unmatched by other ideologies. In contrast, EA, with its diverse focus, risks spreading resources too thin across various causes, potentially slowing down the pace of innovation that could provide systemic solutions to these problems.
> Moreover, while EA emphasizes evidence and reason to guide interventions, it sometimes underestimates the potential of unproven but promising technological breakthroughs. e/acc, on the other hand, is about pushing the boundaries of what's possible, exploring futuristic solutions that could leapfrog current limitations and bring about radical change.
> Decentralized Accelerationism's focus on blockchain, privacy, and security is commendable but insufficient. d/acc’s emphasis on decentralization and democratic governance, while addressing certain risks associated with technological progress, often overlooks the necessity of rapid, centralized decision-making in driving forward the most groundbreaking technological advancements. The pace of innovation required to tackle our most pressing global challenges cannot be fully achieved through decentralized approaches alone; it requires bold, centralized efforts and the willingness to embrace the fast-moving dynamics of capitalism that e/acc promotes.
> Effective Accelerationism also critically addresses the degrowth movement's call for reduced economic activity. In contrast, e/acc posits that technological progress can enable us to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, offering a path to sustainability that doesn't require sacrificing human prosperity or halting economic development. This vision aligns with the necessity of continuous growth and improvement, not just in economic terms but in our capabilities to solve complex problems.
> In summary, Effective Accelerationism presents a forward-looking, optimistic view of the future, where technology, propelled by the mechanisms of capitalism, holds the key to overcoming the limitations of our current approaches to global challenges. While EA and d/acc offer valuable perspectives, they lack the singular focus on technological innovation and the embrace of capitalism's dynamic forces that are central to e/acc's vision for a rapidly advancing society.




>As a proponent of Decentralized Accelerationism (d/acc), I advocate for the approach that harnesses technological and social innovations to construct a world that is not only technologically advanced but also secure, democratic, and capable of effectively addressing the rapid challenges technological advancements bring. Unlike Effective Altruism (EA) and Effective Accelerationism (e/acc), which either spread efforts across a variety of interventions without a concentrated focus on technological innovation or overly rely on the dynamics of capitalism and technological progress to solve global challenges, d/acc promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to technological advancement.
> Decentralized Accelerationism recognizes the power of technology, especially blockchain, privacy, and security innovations, to democratize governance and empower individuals, contrasting sharply with e/acc’s emphasis on the unchecked acceleration of technology driven by capitalism. This unchecked acceleration risks widening the inequality gap and ignoring the broader societal implications of rapid technological development. d/acc, on the other hand, aims for a future where technology serves all of humanity equitably, mitigating the risks associated with centralization of power and wealth.
> Moreover, while EA focuses on using evidence and reason to prioritize interventions, it may not fully capture the transformative potential of decentralized technologies to solve complex global issues in a fundamentally new way. d/acc is not just about solving current problems but about reimagining the structures that lead to these problems in the first place, promoting a vision of society that is more resilient to the pitfalls of rapid technological change.
> Additionally, d/acc critiques the potential naivety within e/acc that technological progress alone can lead to a better world without considering the importance of governance structures and the ethical use of technology. It addresses the need for a societal framework that can keep pace with technological advancements, ensuring they are used responsibly and for the benefit of all, not just a select few.
> In essence, Decentralized Accelerationism offers a comprehensive approach that values the importance of technology in addressing future challenges while ensuring that advancements are implemented in a way that is secure, equitable, and governed by democratic principles. This stands in contrast to the more narrow focuses of EA and e/acc, providing a roadmap for a future where technology empowers individuals and communities, rather than exacerbating existing inequalities or creating new forms of dependency.





