>nishio_en I drew this for my colleges. They didn't understand the possible combination of Broad Listening(such as Polis) and Large Language Model(such as GPT) in future.
>nishio_en If I understand correctly, there are at least three technologies heading toward Plurality.
> X: Broad Listening (or visualization of opinion distribution among diversity)
> Y: Quadratic Funding (it is an implementation of redistribution of resources among diversity)
> Z: Large Language Model (it makes communication among diversity efficient)
>nishio_en Some might wonder why not mention of Decentralized Identity? DID is important component of both Broad Listening and Quadratic Funding. I just avoided to draw four-dimensional cube. That is why I used the words "at least three".
>nishio_en One more thing. I wrote "Quadratic Funding" but I feel it too specific. I don't know comprehensive term for the mechanisms such as Quadratic Funding, Retroactive Funding and Social Impact Bond.