About Translation
In my plan:
Talk on Plurality Seoul
Why I am a Pluralist
Q: Do you think there's anything else beneficial for spreading the concept of Plurality in Japan? Personally, I'm interested in the Gitcoin case.
>my response to a survey run by GitCoin about "favorite public goods", but I said language was mine
Q: What channel do you prefer for asking questions?
>As is common in the analysis of markets for private goods (Willig, 1976), we assume there are enough issues and that each is sufficiently inconsequential that every voter has a quasi-linear “continuation value” for retaining voice credits for future votes.
I believe this discussion assumes that voice credits are intended to be used across multiple temporally dispersed opportunities.
In the case of
Gitcoin, where voice credits are tied to money, this assumption holds true.
However, in the case of voting styles that grant 99 votes for one voting-event, the credits become worthless after that vote, lacking “
continuation value”.
I am concerned that many discussions about
Quadratic Voting in Japan focus solely on the latter implementation, potentially missing the important essence.