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[*** \mathrm{tangle}^1] | ˈtaNGɡəl |
source: [モールに絡まっている演技をするコナンのGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 536606]

verb with object (usually be tangled)
twist together into a confused mass:
«…に» …をもつれさせる, からませる(up) «in» ; 〖be ~d〗 【網などに】からまる, もつれる(up) «in»
e.g. the broom somehow got tangled up in my long skirt.
no object (tangle with) informal become involved in a conflict or fight with:
〈事態・問題など〉を紛糾させる, 混乱させる(up); «…に» 〈人など〉を巻き込む(up) «in» ; 〖be ~d〗 〈事態・問題などが〉紛糾する, 混乱する(up)
e.g. I know there'll be trouble if I try to tangle with him.

a confused mass of something twisted together:
(髪・糸・ケーブルなどの)もつれ, からまり
e.g. a tangle of golden hair.
紛糾, 混乱, もつれ
informal a fight, argument, or disagreement.
⦅くだけて⦆ «…との» 口論, けんか «with»

tangly | ˈtaNGlē, ˈtaNGɡ(ə)lē | adjective

Middle English (in the sense ‘entangle, catch in a tangle’): probably of Scandinavian origin and related to Swedish dialect taggladisarrange’.

[*** \mathrm{tangle}^2] | ˈtaNGɡəl |

any of a number of brown seaweeds, especially oarweed.

mid 16th century: probably from Norwegian tongul.