〈物が〉〈光・熱など〉を反射する; 〈音〉を反響する
e.g. when the sun's rays hit the Earth a lot of the heat is reflected back into space
e.g. (as adjective
reflected) : his eyes gleamed in the reflected light.
〖通例be ~ed〗 〈人・物(の像)などが〉 【鏡などに】映る, 映し出される «in»
e.g. he could see himself reflected in Keith's mirrored glasses.
〈物・事が〉〈状況・感情など〉を反映する, 表す, 示す; 〖~ wh節〗 …であるかを反映する (!通例進行形にしない)
e.g. schools should reflect cultural differences
e.g. stocks are priced at a level that reflects a company's prospects.
«…に» (結果として)〈信用・不信など〉をもたらす, 招く «on, upon»
e.g. the main contract is progressing well, which reflects great credit on those involved.
〈出来事・状況などが〉 «…に» 影響を及ぼす, 印象, 評判をもたらす «on, upon» (!通例
badlyなどの〖副詞〗を伴うが, 悪い意味の場合は伴わずにも用いられる)
e.g. the incident reflects badly on the operating practices of the airlines.
【事を】熟考する «on, upon»
e.g. he reflected with sadness on the unhappiness of his marriage
e.g. with clause : Charles reflected that maybe there was hope for the family after all.