generated at
re-(back, 強意もある) + concile(conciliare(bring together))

source: [優しいおじいさんが子供たちを仲直りさせるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 349638]

point ADAPT, ADJUST, ACCOMMODATE, CONFORM, RECONCILE mean to bring one thing into correspondence with another.
ADAPT implies a modification according to changing circumstances.
e.g. adapted themselves to the warmer climate
ADJUST suggests bringing into a close and exact correspondence or harmony such as exists between parts of a mechanism.
e.g. adjusted the budget to allow for inflation
ACCOMMODATE may suggest yielding or compromising to effect a correspondence.
e.g. businesses accommodating themselves to the new political reality
CONFORM applies to bringing into accordance with a pattern, example, or principle.
e.g. refused to conform to society's values
RECONCILE implies the demonstration of the underlying compatibility of things that seem to be incompatible.
e.g. tried to reconcile what he said with what I knew

verb with object
restore friendly relations between: 〜の間の親しい関係性を修復する
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖通例be ~d with A〗 A〈人〉と和解する, 仲直りする
e.g. she wanted to be reconciled with her father: 彼女は父親と和解したかった。
e.g. the news reconciled us.: そのニュースは私達の関係を修復した。
cause to coexist in harmony; make or show to be compatible: 調和して共存することを引き起こす; 適合する
〈人が〉 «…と» 〈考え・状況など〉を調和させる, 調整する, 一致させる «with» ;
e.g. a landscape in which inner and outer vision were reconciled: 中と外の視界が調和した風景
e.g. you may have to adjust your ideal to reconcile it with reality.: あなたの理想を現実と一致するように調整しないといけないかもしれない。
make (one account) consistent with another, especially by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed: (口座を)別のものと一致させる。特に始まっているが完了していない処理を許すことによって。
e.g. it is not necessary to reconcile the cost accounts to the financial accounts.: 原価勘定を財務勘定に一致させる必要はない。
settle (a disagreement): (意見の相違を)解決する
e.g. advice on how to reconcile the conflict.: その紛争を解決する方法についてのアドバイス
(reconcile someone to) make someone accept (a disagreeable or unwelcome thing): (不愉快な、歓迎されないものを)誰かに受け入れさせる
〈人が〉 【困難な事に】〈人〉を納得させる «to» ; 〖~ oneself/be ~d〗 «…に» 甘んじる «to»
e.g. he could not reconcile himself to the thought of his mother stocking shelves: 彼は母親の品出しの考えに納得できなかった。
e.g. he was reconciled to leaving.: 彼は残り物に甘んじた。

reconcilement | ˈrek(ə)nˌsīlmənt | noun
reconciliatory | ˌrekənˈsilēəˌtôrē | adjective

late Middle English: from Old French reconcilier or Latin reconciliare, from Latin re-back’ (also expressing intensive force) + conciliarebring together’.