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pro-forth’ + vocare ‘to call
source: [人を怒らせる方法の碑文谷教授がアナウンサーをバカにして怒らせるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 104075]

verb with object
stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone:
〈物・事が〉〈人の反応など〉を引き起こす, 誘発する (!しばしば好ましくない反応について用いる)
e.g. the decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights organizations.
stimulate or incite (someone) to do or feel something, especially by arousing anger in them:
«…させようと» 〈人など〉を刺激する, 挑発する «to do, into doing» ; «…へと» …を駆り立てる «to, into»
e.g. a teacher can provoke you into working harder.
〈人が〉(言葉・態度で故意に)〈人など〉を怒らせる, 挑発する
e.g. Rachel refused to be provoked.

provokable adjective
provoker | prəˈvōkər | noun

late Middle English (also in the sense ‘invoke, summon’): from Old French provoquer, from Latin provocarechallenge’, from pro-forth’ + vocare ‘to call’.