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adjective (profounder, profoundest)
1. (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense: (状態、性質、感情が)とても大きい、激しい
e.g. profound feelings of disquiet: 深い不安の感情
〈影響などが〉深刻な, 重大な
e.g. profound social changes.: 重大な社会の変化
(of a disease or disability) very severe; deep-seated: (病気や障害が)とても深刻な; 根強い
〘医〙 〈病気・障害が〉深刻な, (最)重度の; まったくの
e.g. a case of profound liver failure.: 重度の肝不全の症例
2. (of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight: (人、陳述が)大きな知識、見識を持つ、見せる
〈学識・思想などが〉深遠な, 奥深い; 意味深長な
e.g. a profound philosopher.: 深遠な哲学者
(of a subject or thought) demanding deep study or thought: (主題や思想が)深い研究と考えを要求する
⦅比喩的に⦆ 〈物・事が〉深い (!deepと異なり物理的な「深さ」の意では用いない)
e.g. expressing profound truths in simple language.: 単純な言葉で深い真実を表現する
3. archaic at, from, or extending to a great depth; very deep: 大きな深さで/から/に達する; とても深い
⦅かたく⦆ 〖名詞の前で〗深い
e.g. he opened the door with a profound bow.: 彼は深く頭を下げながらそのドアを開けた。

noun (the profound) literary
the vast depth of the ocean or of the mind.: 海の、心の広大な深さ

profoundness | prəˈfoun(d)nəs | noun

Middle English: from Old French profund, from Latin profundusdeep’, from Latin probefore’ + fundusbottom’. The word was used earliest in the sense ‘showing deep insight’.