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[*** \mathrm{potent}^1] | ˈpōtnt |
source: [【発明】コイツネートルナD錠剤|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 3407031]

1. having great power, influence, or effect:
〈薬品・イメージなどが〉 【心身に対して】強い効果, 効き目をもつ(effective) «in» ; 〈酒が〉強い, アルコール分の高い.
e.g. thrones were potent symbols of authority
e.g. a potent drug
e.g. a potent argument.
2. (of a male) able to achieve an erection or to reach an orgasm.
〈男が〉性的能力のある(↔ impotent)

potence | ˈpōt(ə)ns | noun
potently adverb

late Middle English: from Latin potent- ‘being powerful, being able’, from the verb posse.

[*** \mathrm{potent}^2] | ˈpōtnt | Heraldry

adjective postpositive
1. formed of crutch-shaped pieces; (especially of a cross) having a straight bar across the end of each extremity:
e.g. a cross potent.
2. of the fur called potent (as a tincture).

fur resembling vair, but with the alternating pieces T-shaped.

late Middle English (denoting a crutch): alteration of Old French potencecrutch’, from Latin potentiapower’ (in medieval Latincrutch’), from potent- (see potent1).