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e.g. they deliver once a week.
〖if/when節内で〗いったん, ひとたび
e.g. he never once complained
e.g. if she once got an idea in her head you'd never move it.
〖通例文中・文尾で; 状態動詞と共に〗(現在と対比して)かつて, 以前は; 〖形容詞の前で複合語として〗かつては…だった
e.g. He had once been an Army officer.
〖従位接続詞; しばしば完了形と共に〗いったん…すると; …するとすぐに (!onceの節中では未来のことでもwillを使わない)
e.g. once the grapes were pressed, the juice was put into barrels.
1. without warning; suddenly: all at once the noise stopped.
2. all at the same time: scared and excited all at once.
1. immediately: I fell asleep at once.
2. simultaneously: computers that can do many things at once.
on this occasion only, as an exception: He was glad that for once he had not listened.
proverb a person cannot change their fundamental nature: once a whiner, always a whiner.
one more time.
now and for the last time; finally.
denoting someone or something that is eternal, enduring, or constant. 1950s: from T. H. White's Once and Future King (1958).
see bite.
from time to time; occasionally.
a few times.
at some time in the past (used as a conventional opening of a story).
formerly: once upon a time she would have been jealous, but no longer.