>Deciding whether to use an -ic -ical suffix is often problematic. Or is that problematical?
接尾辞の-ic, -icalを使うかどうかを決めることはしばしばproblematic(解決が難しいもの)になります。もしくはproblematical(解決が難しいもの)でしょうか?
> The word numeric generally refers to or has to do with numbers.
> The word numerical generally indicates a usage of numbers.
> But this particular pair can, it seems, be used interchangeably, as discovered by consulting several dictionaries. It also seems that numeric is more commonly used among American speakers while numerical is more common among British speakers.
> Trending right now: numeric value, numeric problems, numerical analysis, numerical mode
現在のトレンド: numeric value, numeric problems, numerical analysis, numerical mode
数の, 数的な, 数に関する; 計算(能力)の
e.g. use the numeric
keypad on the right side of your keyboard.: あなたのキーボードの右側にある数字のキーを使いなさい。