source: [高い塔の上に立つ人から後光が差しているGIF|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE
栄光, 栄誉, 名誉, 栄冠
e.g. to fight and die for the glory of one's nation.
壮観, 美観, 輝かしい美
e.g. the train has been restored to all its former glory.
栄光[名誉]をもたらすもの[人], 誇りとなるもの
e.g. the glories of Paris.
天上の栄光, 至福; 天国
e.g. with the saints in glory.
後光, 光輪
⦅文⦆ «…を/…であることを» 誇りとする, 喜ぶ
e.g. they were individuals who gloried in their independence.
得意になる; 鼻にかける «in/in doing»
e.g. readers tended to defend their paper or even to glory in its bias.
expressing enthusiastic piety.
informal used as an exclamation of surprise or delight.
(Glory Be) as noun (especially in Roman Catholic use) the doxology beginning “Glory be to the Father.”.
informal in a state of extreme joy or exaltation.
die; be destroyed.