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get out

1. (of something previously secret) become known:
〈情報などが〉(隠していたのに)知れ渡る, 明るみに出る(get around, ⦅主に英⦆ get about)
e.g. news got out that we were coming.
2. (also get out of here) in imperative informal, mainly North American used to express disbelief:
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ 〖命令形で; G-!〗ばかな, まさか (!信じられない気持ちを表す)
e.g. get out, you're a liar.
usually in imperative informal go away; leave.
【場所から】出る «of» ; ⦅話⦆ 〖命令形で; G-!〗【場所から】出てゆけ, うせろ «of» (!乱暴な言い方)