generated at

verb with object
1. purify (a liquid) by vaporizing it, then condensing it by cooling the vapor, and collecting the resulting liquid:
〈液体〉を蒸留する; «…から» 蒸留して〈純粋な液体〉を作る «from» .
e.g. they managed to distill a small quantity of water
e.g. (as adjective distilled) : dip the slide in distilled water.
make (something, especially liquor or an essence) in this way:
«…から» 蒸留して〈ウイスキーなど〉を作る «from» ;〖~ A into B〗 Aを蒸留してB〈ウイスキーなど〉にする
e.g. whiskey is distilled from a mash of grains
e.g. (as noun distilling) : the distilling industry.
extract the essence of (something) by heating it with a solvent.
【植物などから】〈油・香水など〉を蒸留して抽出する «from»
e.g. coal tar is made by distilling out the volatile products in coal.
no object literary emanate as a vapor or in minute drops:
蒸留される; 〈蒸留液が〉したたり落ちる.
e.g. she drew back from the dank breath that distilled out of the earth.
〈情報・経験など〉を要約する, …の要旨を抽出[抜粋]する; 〖~ A into B〗 A〈情報・考え〉をB〈本など〉にまとめる
e.g. my travel notes were distilled into a book
e.g. (as adjective distilled) : the employee report is a distilled version of the main accounts.

distillatory |-əˌtôrē| adjective

late Middle English: from Latin distillare, variant of destillare, from de-down, away’ + stillare (from stilla ‘a drop’).